DWC Homemade Reservoir Modification + Hydroponics Closet Grow


Active Member
Hey guys,

This is my first post so bare with me. My friend created a DWC reservoir system and I'd like to share pics of the one he built me/ a brief description of it with you guys. The reason this system was created was to eliminate moving the plant out of her grow medium when changing nute cycles or even changing water.

How It Works:
The water pump is placed into the cooler (on the top) and pumped from the cooler directly over the hydroton. It then drips down through the hydroton to the roots and ends up in the 5 Gal. bucket. On the side of the 5 Gal. bucket we placed a gasket with a hose that leads back into the cooler so it is impossible for the water level to get to high. The blacked out tubing prevents light from hitting the water (which can in time be bad). If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask! Hope this was interesting!
The cooler is open to show you the water.



Split air pump tubing that leads to both air stones.


Her leaves aren't ever left that dark on the bottom I just turned off a light and moved her mylar-covered box.

IMG005.jpgShe's budding!:lol:


DWC/Bubbleponics Mod
Yo increase your text size or leave it at whatever font it was.. I can't read that shit lol

Plant looks good though, lemme know how many weeks flowering that is


Active Member
Let me know if that fixed it. Today she started her second week of flowering. She's my first hydroponics plant and I used a free Dinafem Roadrunner Auto seed I got from here to test out the growing method. She is definitely mainly Sativa. She was germinated on August 28, 2011 and these pictures were taken on October 7, 2011.


Well-Known Member
good stuff man. that plant looks happy and healthy! keep us updated on her progress


Well-Known Member
why not just cut holes in the top of the cooler ..........like this....?
You're still subjecting water to room temps in the bucket plus increasing temps with a water pump. I use water pumps in my igloos but cycle them in veg , the ones in flower I have on a ebb monster controller chilled and draining\filling every two hours.



Active Member
We don't cut the plants in the top of the cooler because it is a royal pain in the ass to fit a 9" diameter net pot into a cooler. The whole purpose of adding the cooler was to increase the total gallons of nutrient solution. One autoflower plant can drink 4gal of solution in a few days. Now this rig has a total of 9gal. The water circulates from the cooler to the top of the plant and back into the cooler. I used to have to take the plants off the bucket to test the PH, change the water and add ice. Now we just throw it in the cooler. Soon I will get a constant ppm, ph and temperature combo meter. In dbkicks set up, the net pots are way too small. If u want to increase yield/potenty, get bigger net pots.