DWC Nute Help

Skunk Monk

Well-Known Member
I have dry nutes made by plantprod

it says i need 4ml of fert per liter

so i backed it down to 1/4 and got 95ml of dry nutes measured

(95L res)

now to mix these in would i dissolve them first, or can i add them a little bit at a time to the tub as i fill it, Im changing whole res today, its time to clean it and add nutes


Illegal Smile

4 per liter in which week? take a gallon of water out of the res, mix the nutes in that, then add it again.

Skunk Monk

Well-Known Member
there isnt a feeding scheduale for it that I could find , I guess this would be week 1 with nutes, or the start of week 3 from the beggining of the grow
well I would run em higher than 1/4 str now and yes just mix them with the water - if you have a stick you can stir it. very technical but trust me its a tried and tested method and it works!

Skunk Monk

Well-Known Member
alright sounds good thanks, Im going to keep 1/4 just because i have a sprout that showed up over night from seeds i planted later, for her sake ill keep it low this feeding :D
so how often do you feed with dwc, weekly?

Illegal Smile

I would go to the nute cos website or call and ask for a feeding schedule. or use another nute product.

Illegal Smile

Seems to me any nute has to be scheduled week by week as the grow progresses. I mean any nute should be ramped up in veg and flower and then taper off at the end. It sounds like you will be stuck with guessing. There is info here on the Lucas formula, you could check that out.


Active Member
OK, no one told you the trick. Here's how you get the mixture and the ppms right... the easy way. Take a small gallon container and fill it half way with the water you're using. Dump all of your nutes into this containner to get the percentages of your 1, 2, or 3 part formula correct. Now you're going to use this concentrated batch of nutes to add to your reservior. You no longer need to worry about part od this and that, simply add nutes until you reach the ppm's that you desire and you're off to the races. It's advised to disolve all non liquid additives prior to adding them to your res any ways but this trick will work with any nute mixture.