DWC oops


Well-Known Member
I have some experience with hydroponics but I mainly am a soil grower thus the reason why im struggling with my stupid DWC system.:twisted:

My System
I have 4 5Gallon buckets linked togeather in a circular design with one end leading into my res. My res tempature is 22degrees, sitting at pH 6.1 @1000PPM. I run 2 12inch airstones in res at 25gallon. I also run an air stone 6inch in each bucket. My DWC was 1/3 full with lid slightly cracked open, just enough to breath. I use Hydroclay pellets @6inch large baskets. I also top feed with 2 spaggetti lines in. My nutrient is high high grade, but im jsut not sure what im doing wrong!
One plant is great. The other 3 are slow and the fan leaves cannot support themself. The plant is not a pale yellow but a confustion between yellow and light green (its not a nitrogen issue) Could I be over feeding with my speggit lines? Some people say im drowning the plants, so i droped my 5gallon bucket level from 1/3 to 2-3 Inchs on the bottom, with a gap to allow the CO2 to carrie out of the bucket. I also have put my speggitti line on a timer were it's on for 15Mins off for 30mins. I guess I could go longer since im using hydroclay. I added H2O2 and SM-90 (root stimulator) I dont know what 2 doo anymore.....Any info or pics or ideas on the IDEAL system.. I VEG with a 400MH and I flower under several 1000W over top of the 4 bucket system and 600HPS in the middle of them. What 2 do?

Mr Green Man

Well-Known Member
I'm no expert, so take this with a pinch of salt, there just ideas, from what I have learnt.

It's my first DWC grow and my plants are clones, they have been in the system for 17 days, and touch wood, there growing really well.

My Nutes are at E.C1.1 (Not sure about PPM because there are two scales, but it's quite a bit less than you) I would hazard a gess and say that your nutes are a little high, sounds a bit like lock out.
PH = 5.6
REZ Temp = 19c
REZ Height 2cm bellow pots

I think you should raise the level in your tubs back up.

Also the tank system worries me a little, not sure how you have it set up, but I know people have had problems with water circulation when using a similar systems, so I would check that the water is flowing between the buckets properly. And that PH and PPM are equal in all buckets.
This could be where your problem is and reverting back to manually toping up each bucket will be a simple cure and give you a bit more flexibility with nute loads.

I have big 25L buckets with 4 clones in each, I have 3 air stones 450LPH pumps and a small power head in each container.

Okay, I will stop, I wish I had a bit more knowledge so I could give you a more precise answer, but maybe there is something you can use there.

Take a pic, how old are the plants?

Good Luck.


Well-Known Member
Well the plants are 15 days old, but I think im gonna chuck them and restart. The res is at 20temp and 800ppm. I increased the air in the buckets but the plants seem to sit dormant! DO u thinkit's better to have a LARGE res drill some basket holes(3) and grow your plant in your res? or continue top feeding my buckets and allowing it to frlow back into the res.. my buckets are 2gallon in high taller then the res. But I take it by your info I should cut that in half and allow my buckets to fill up about 4-5 inch. right?


Well-Known Member
i went through this same problem. a little different set up.

it started out drip system. rookwool cubes with drip line to each 2gph, but growth was slow. and roots where not growing out bottom. funny thing is the roots where growing back up the rockwool out the top. towards the water. thats when I

switched to DWC. i guess. (i didn't follow anybody s set up just kinda naturally progressed this way) i just place net pots into holes in the top of reservoirs. and put in airstrips. raised the water level right to the pots. a gained growth but still no roots growth. so i switched again.

again this just kinda came in progression. never really seen a areophonics system before. read about it alittle. anyway i took the pump i was using for drip. place it in the reservoir and ran cpvp pipe with sprayers jets. now i am worried i wont have room. plus i had to place the pump in to a mesh bag cause the roots where getting into the pump they where so long.

check out my journal it had pics all the way through this process. i will see if i can find a few before and after pic.

i should also point out that. this growth could have been caused by a few other factor also. such as before i started messing with the system my ph was way off. when i replaced the drip to bubbler i had finally got the ph meter. and same with the next step i got the TDS meter. so these tools many be part of the growth spurts.

this would be 12 day from sprouting feb 17.jpg 19 days feb24.jpg 28 days mar4.jpg IMG_1166.jpgfew days ago

rtb4bub.jpgroots before bubbler1daybub.jpg24 hrs in bubbler 5daybub.jpg days 5 in bubbler IMG_1184.jpgtoday

this is actually the cloner i built, but its the same principles as the tubs for plants. just lower the spray heads. and i have only 10 tens heads with the plants 3 on each plant 4 for just aeration cloner.jpg


Well-Known Member
yo man imma have to say your PPm is to high for such a small plant.. i would keep the PPM at 400-500 until about a month then bump the PPm to 750-950. the yellowing sounds like a nute burn to me but hard to say with no pics.. and i cant picture your set up of how your plants are growing i understand how your waters is pumped but not where the plants are sitting.

Mr Green Man

Well-Known Member
Wow, DWC is so fast, that pic ws taken this morning just after the lights went out, they came back on at 5PM and its now 10PM, in that space of time those two small leaves at the top have tripled in size and there are now two more leaves about the same size growing.


Well-Known Member
Ok, here some pictures. Some display my issue of disscoloration and the one with my finger in it represent the water level in my DWC system.. The other pics show shitty root growth and browning. And the other pics represent outdoor grow season and a indoor crop that produces 22% THC +/-1.5
Thanks for the info, and let me know what u see might be wrong!! I Right now I run my PPM at 800 and pH 6.2-6.3 my temp is 20degrees. Before this shit started to go wrong i was running 1000PPM ph 6.3-6.5 and temp was 24degrees with buckets 1/3 full now they are 2-3inch. mostly 2inch. Anyinfo from anyone would be great!


Well-Known Member
Oops forgot pictures here they are.



Well-Known Member
I must ask why you went with a seperate container for each plant, still looks good. You could have easily done this setup with out a water pump and one container which means less over all water/nutrients and no water pump.
There is no need for the drip, but at the sametime it shouldn't be overwatering your plant as long as your water is nice and oxygenated. I would get rid of that first and go from there.
No need to worry about dropping the water level inside your buckets. Start with removing the drip system.


Well-Known Member
dude lower your ppm's. I use 250 ppm during veg (you should use 1/4 the recommended dose and this will differ based on the brand- i use canna) Also lower your PH to 5.5-6. Raise your water level- the plant is probably struggling because of this. The temps are most likely too high in the water and O2 in your water is probably too low as a result. The water should be cool to the touch. Check your buckets for slime. If its slimy on the walls you need to make sure no light is getting to your res. Try to cover your res and buckets in white plastic to bounce the heat off and keep lower temps. You dont need to crack the top open for air. If you are using air stones like you should be then there should be enough o2 for the roots. I grow in tupperwares and try to give each plant 10 gallons so the ph and ppms dont fluctuate too much. Please check out this post from earl- hes the master. CC Hydro 101 by Earl - Cannabis Culture Forums

Mr Green Man

Well-Known Member

your roots don't look healthy that could be what is coursing you truobles, try flushing with H2o2 for a couple of days then using some root stimlators.

I run mmy PH at 5.6 - 5 .8

I like your space it's very clean and tidy and your potted plants look great.
Don't let this put you off, DWC is really injoyable, But I think you hav made your system is a little more complicated than it needs to be.

Good luck.


Well-Known Member
yea looks like you got some root rot going.. like Mr Green Man said, get some H2O2 you need to get 35% its used for hot tub cleaning and kitchen sanitizing.the H2O2 from super markets or pharmacy stores are only 3% and wont do shit for ya. i would also get some Hygrozyme that will help break down dead plant matter in the rez and turn it into sugars for the plant to use. and also helps fight off algae


Well-Known Member
Hi, thanks for the help. So im gonna start all over since my plants started to look tooo shitty, well the roots getting slimmy. Im gonna do a gooooood clean and revise my WHOLE system! I would like All ideas please and thanks! Im very tierd of spending stupid amonts of money on this system. Should I top feed? etc.. thanks agian!!!


Active Member
I wouldnt kill these plants try to save them! I think you will lose alot more time if you kill those plants.. Im no expert on dwc but im starting my firt grow dwc. My 2 cents. Do one thing at a time! lower ppm. and get those airstones mounted on bottom of bucket. and raise your res back up. good luck