DWC plumbing from a control room to grow room questions


Hey everyone, I have been growing vegetables indoors using dwc hydroponics. DWC stands for "deep water culture", basically you have a steady flow of nutriated water moving through modular grow sites which are all plumbed together and connect to a reservoir which is usually chilled and where most water changes and work happens. I am currently re designing my set up. I have a room in my house where I grow and I would like to get my chiller out of the room but still be able to chill my reservoir and have good flow happening. I have a laundry room that isn't being used and was thinking I would place my res in the LR and use the water intake/outake to manage water changes. I think I can run a pump in the res (which would be located in a seperate room as stated before, the LR) that feeds pvc tubing coming out of the res, into my crawlspace, then over to the grow room, up into the grow room and circulating through my system. then also have a return line going back to the res in the LR. The only thing I am not sure of is how gravity and siphons will ultimately affect such a set up. I think maybe a backflow valve on the intake line before it gets to the grow room would help water to replenish back into the LR after the pump turns off (if it's only pumping in periodic intervals). This way when i pump water into the system the only place for gravity to even things out is through the outake back into the LR and into the res there. Would moving the water out of the res, down into a crawl space, then back up into a res create some kind of problem? Would I need a pump to pull water back into the LR res trhough the outake coming from the grow room? or would gravity do the trick? any thoughts or ideas on how to plumb what I am talking about is much appreciated and also I can try to sketch up a design of what I am talking about, anyone know of a good modeling/sketch program other than the popular "sketchup"?