DWC-Test Grow

Hey guys,

I was in the military so It's been a while since I grew or able to smoke regularly(over 12 years). This is my "trial" setup so I can get all the kinks out of the way before I graduate to a better strain. I wanted to get some direct tips, recomendations and/or comments.

I am currently runing a DWC system and have been growing five plants from seed (1 lucky higher grade seed, others, nothing special) in 3 3/4" net pots filled with hydroton.

I started out with an aeroponic setup that I built and seemed to work fine but the maintenance was too much so I switched to a DWC system in an 18 gal. tote, also read that DWC is better, but I'm sure there is a lot of debate. I have a 12'' air stone in the middle of the nutrient resevoir, 150 watt Hydrofarm HPS and two 65 watt CFL's (used for seedling and vegative). The wall is surrounded by milar windshield deflectors that i found for a couple of dollars. Instead of spending more for sheets that i have to cut these have the same material for a fraction of the cost. I am using 3'x3'x8' of growing space with 3'x7'x8' of total closet space separated by a tarp on a shower curtain rod. The walls and floor are covered with plastic sheeting and the space is kept clean. I use a space heater with a thermostat that i set between 75-80 degrees farenheit on the opposite side of the tarp and a fan above the plants (not directly) for airflow. The humidity level seems fine since i am in an area with some humidity.

I am investing in a Growlab grow closet after this harvest.

For nutrients I'm using Botanicare Pure Blend Pro Grow for the vegative stage and for flowering Botanicare Pure Blend Pro Bloom. I also use H202 and Hygrozyme that was recommended.

The res looked "curdled'' when i first started but fixed it with closer PH monitoring and H202. I only had minor nutrient burn once on only a couple of leafs but just added some more water to counter it quickly.

I have been growing from seed 38 days now. The higher grade seed germinated a week later that the others but looks like it is trying to catch up. I used one of the plants as a "guinea pig" to test out topping/prunning/trimming early and got good results with a total of six main stems opposed to one and is already the same height as the others. The trimming of the lower first sets of leafs was also benificial on the test plant so I trimmed the lower leafs of the other four but never topped (I will next grow). I was careful not to cut the main fan leafs.

The plants are between 12-24 inches. I just started the transition to flowering with the recommended half and half of the nutrients and 12/12 un-disturbed (150watt HPS) light cycle at yesterday's resevoir change.

One of my plants looked like it started to show signs of sex a couple weeks ago in the spots where it should and I am watching it closely to eliminate it in case. I heard that males usually show before females. I purchased a small magnifying glass and a 60x-100x microscope to monitor. I searched the endless pages of articles here and abroad for information on sexing so i have a pretty good idea what its supposed to look like.

I will post better pictures as soon as i can find a power cord for my camera, for now i'll use my cell cam.

Here's some pics from the start till now with tags...

9 days from seed, transplanted to system.

16 days from seed

20 Days

Day 22

Day 29...I put reflective tape on the top of the system for extra light reflection, i used a set of mirrors before. I also noticed that there was light illuminating through the the plastic and to be sure not to create an environment for algae, i covered it with this tape...

33 Days
You can see the setup in this one, windshield shade on the walls, 150 watt HPS, 18gal resevoir...

The rest of the pictures are from today at 38 days from seed...

The 2 plants on the left are tied to make room for the "late" plant that is in the middle...

I will post more pics as the weeks come...

What do you think?​
Well, I've got some good news and bad news. First let me say what's going on now.
I transitioned into flowering for two weeks with half and half Pro Grow and Pro Bloom. The Lights have been 12/12 and yesterday I started them on full strength bloom nutrients. I also moved thme to a new bigger area (5x5 Closet) where I will be growing the next batch.
The bad news is that 3 turned out to be males and I quickly got rid of them. They were showing what looked like little clusters of balls instead of pistils like one that had started already. Oh well, not to sad about it since this is a "test grow".
The good news is that the two girls that I'm caring for now are doing awsome! They are about 3 ft tall, which is about a foot and a half taller than last time I posted. The two have totally different characteristics though, for instance, one has 9 blade leafs and stick straight out with sparatic branches and the other has 11 blade leafs which stretch out but droop a little and have more of a uniform branching. I don't really know what this means, maybe someone can enlighten me, I tried searching the net but didn't really find much except for highbred info. It may mean nothing at all.
Anyways, I thought, since I didn't have my digi cam working yet, what if I put the magnifying glass up to the cell phone camera and take a picture, what would the results be? Well I took these this morning with that concept and turned out theses amazing close ups of the pistils that are all over the plants and took some regular photos of the new setup. I will be using individual 3.5 gallon buckets to grow next time. This has been easy so far with the DWC setup and liking it very much.

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Well-Known Member
Well, I've got some good news and bad news. First let me say what's going on now.
I transitioned into flowering for two weeks with half and half Pro Grow and Pro Bloom. The Lights have been 12/12 and yesterday I started them on full strength bloom nutrients. I also moved thme to a new bigger area (5x5 Closet) where I will be growing the next batch.
The bad news is that 3 turned out to be males and I quickly got rid of them. They were showing what looked like little clusters of balls instead of pistils like one that had started already. Oh well, not to sad about it since this is a "test grow".
The good news is that the two girls that I'm caring for now are doing awsome! They are about 3 ft tall, which is about a foot and a half taller than last time I posted. The two have totally different characteristics though, for instance, one has 9 blade leafs and stick straight out with sparatic branches and the other has 11 blade leafs which stretch out but droop a little and have more of a uniform branching. I don't really know what this means, maybe someone can enlighten me, I tried searching the net but didn't really find much except for highbred info. It may mean nothing at all.
Anyways, I thought, since I didn't have my digi cam working yet, what if I put the magnifying glass up to the cell phone camera and take a picture, what would the results be? Well I took these this morning with that concept and turned out theses amazing close ups of the pistils that are all over the plants and took some regular photos of the new setup. I will be using individual 3.5 gallon buckets to grow next time. This has been easy so far with the DWC setup and liking it very much.

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When you remove the males wipe everything down you dont want that pollen on your ladies..They look good though man.


Well-Known Member
Hey cridic just stoped by to say Hi I'm new here and that I'm ex military did 8 and going trough DWC school lol! I think you've done a great job, The ladies are looking very good. Wish you good luck and an exciting learning experience.
I think it was early enough that they didn't open up. I payed close attention to them until i figured they were males and then took them out. I have a magnifying glass and a 60x-100x microscope that I use. I heard that males can show up with the blink of an eye and since I don't work and just go to school, my full time job is looking after my girls so thats why I was able to catch it soon enough. Good to know though. I don't think I'll ever have the problem with males again since i will be growing only feminized seeds. They have have been moved since, to a new area and I keep the space clean for the most part. thanks for the comment, its well appreciated!
Hey cridic just stoped by to say Hi I'm new here and that I'm ex military did 8 and going trough DWC school lol! I think you've done a great job, The ladies are looking very good. Wish you good luck and an exciting learning experience.
First, Let me tell you that your service is greatly APPRECIATED! Thanks!!
I grew with soil before but that was years ago and it takes to long, then started a Hydro setup but never got the chance to finish since the whole system failed. The setup that I started out with on this batch was areoponics, that was a dissaster. DWC is the easiest and most efficient that i've found, i mean it's still a lot of work to look after the girls but its fun to me. Sometimes I just sit there and stare just thinking about that reward!! mmmmm....lol...Keep me posted on your endeavor. if you have any questions, let me know, this is what I do all day along with research.


Well-Known Member
Thanks man! And thank you for your service too!!!. I've done two soil grow under cfl and dump to waiste DWC but had to scrapp it half way do to a divorce, now I have a 5x5x7 grow tent in a 9x61/2x7 basement room with a 1000w hps/mh with a 400cfm 6" for the hood and a 250cfm 6" for intake and a water chiller. Have a two 5g buckets with 6" nets, 5 gal bucket for control and a 30g trashcan for a rezzy oh and a 45Lpm air pump with 6 outlet manifold. Spent the last 3 days framing walls , building a door for the room ,running power to it and building the tent and drilling holes for the buckets ect. That's after reaserching everyday for hours
But ordered seeds almost 1 month ago and nothing :( also have evrything I need to build a ez cloner and a carbon filter too I will start a journal with the pics I'm taking ,think I've spent aroud 1k so far. Tried to post some now but it won't let me cause I'm at work writting this out of my cell lol! will def start posting tomorrow and yes!! some times I just sit and day dream about the mmmmm! Rewards!! Ok enough this is your thread
How are you keeping water temps under control?
Did you LST ?
What is the PH and PPM?
That's all I can think of right now , keep posting peace!!


Well-Known Member
Looks good and clean. great job so far.
Did your lucky higher grade seed turn out to be one of your males, or was it really lucky? lol
+rep for a great job so far, keep it up.
I've got a similar setup going on, you should check it out. the link is in my signature.


Well-Known Member

I'm in a similar stage with my first grow. I'm using different nutes (General Hyroponics)and they are working great. I have added was more air stones. I have 4 big air stones and I have a 250 gal/minute pump that's circulating the water. This seems to help.

I tried an aerogarden and failed and then went to a 30 gallon rubber tote (I have a post with the description). I am quite happy.

Im switching to a 400w HPS so Im looking forward to that!