dwc yeild possibility ?

greetings friends i have a question how much yield do you think i could get if i vegged for 2-3 weeks and then flowered im thinking 2 plants under a 400 watt hps or 2 under a 600 watt hps in a dwc system im trying to get the most bang for my buck im thinking of growing dinafem blue widow what would be the perfect tent size i am thinking a dr 90 i was also thinking of using fox farm hydro nutes all info is appreciated thanks guys and girls....peace!


Well-Known Member
How much you get is any ones guess and that's all it would be is a guess. Lots of info here to read and take with you what you want. Just get started and learn from doing. Good Luck


Active Member
There are so many factors to take into account.

Here are some figures to shoot for though,

If I were scrogging in a tent with a 400W I'd be going for about 14 ounces, with a 600, I'd be shooting for about 20 ounces. Those are good solid goals to shoot for, and you can even get more than that with the right genetics and a perfect setup, though much more likely you will get less than that, probably less than half your first try, with a steady increase each crop until you reach the goal.