dying plant


Active Member
i have a plant in my closet. i had a plant in a dixie cup until the roots started coming out of the holes i made in the bottom. when i translated it into a bucket it seems the plant went into shock and now seems its dying.. edge of all leaves are turning brown and light green and plant is now flopping down.. need help



Well-Known Member
dude i was tired of people debating so i put my seeds in a bit of an experiment. i put 3indis in foxfarm and 3 in miracle grow moisture control. and then another 3 swiss misses in fox farm and another three in the miracle grow moisture control. Let me tell you if you love your plants at all you will stay away from miracle grow it has a tendency to hold the moisture too much and suffocate your roots, but if miracle grow is all you can come by i advise reduceing your watering by almost half and see if that helps it helped me when i had a transplant problem with the MG. Good luck and god speed brother. Just remember if you have put any effort forth towards your plants its worth getting good drainage soil.


New Member
if u have acsess 2 a hydroponics store they usually supply soil pricy but its the good shit


Well-Known Member
I asked the same question to a guy that i have come to know. knows a lot about this shit and if you love the plant the only thing to do is try and transplant into newer soil it will shock the plant and greatly delay time but its the only way to save it from MG. Some strains like it and others just don't