Eagle claw problem


Well-Known Member
I think I have a N toxicity because all the new growth is eagle clawed I'm gonna flush and check run off ppm tomorrow. First week into flower should I switch back to veg till problem is fixed


Well-Known Member
It sounds like a nitro issue , but did you flush BEFORE going into flower ?
You want to clear plant of veg nutes because you will be using flower nutes that are lower in nitro. It can be fixed. Stop what ever you were feeding . If plant hasn't been watered yet , do a flush approx. 2 or 3 times the pot size that your plant is in .

You want a clean slate to start new regime of flower/bloom nutes.
Allow plant to recover from flush before starting new nutes.

Don't put back into veg , you will be fine , just get her ready for flower by clearing previous nutes.

No STANK NO DANK :joint:


Well-Known Member
Do you have a pic.....if it's not severe, I wouldn't flush. Flushing is stressful to the plant and it compacts the soil. Imo, it would be better to just water the next couple with straight water to fix the issue.

It's normal to use high nitrogen nutes all the way through week 3 and some people even advocate high nitrogen feedings during the entire flowering period, so it's not the end of the world. So again unless it's severe, I would just continue as you were and just lay off the nitro for a few days.


Well-Known Member
Ok I'll get pics up tomorrow be on the look thanks it happened over night all the new growth small and curled slowed down growth forsure


Well-Known Member
That's what I'm saying not sure why the Eagle claw hopefully it comes back to normal only on new growth tips


Well-Known Member
Ah, didn't realize it was coco....no compaction risk there. How often do you water? How often do you feed? What line of nutrients are using and @ what ppm? Tap water? RO? Calmag? Do you get a decent amount of runoff? Room temp? Not convinced it's solely nitrogen tox. to blame with those numbers. Could just as easily be an off nutrient ratio in the medium and/or deficiencies setting in. Can you take any pics with the hps off......hard to get a good look at the color of the leaves and stems.
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Well-Known Member
Check for broad mites. Get a Microscope and see if you have the little fuckers on your leaves check tops and bottoms and tell me what you see you will need atleast 60x preferably 100x microscope. Also what part of the U.S are you in ?