Earliest I can switch to 12/12 ?! Nutes needed? (Pic)


These plants are approx 3.5 weeks old,
Kind of early to think about flowering but I don't care about getting a big yield.. as long as I can get an ounce in total I'll be happy.

Any recommendations? And hopefully I will have at least 1 female in those 4 plants. :neutral:

I'm using MG soil 24/0 light cycle, did not use any nutes yet, should I use any? if so 20-20-20? or am I good for the whole process?..





if your using miracle grow soil i dont advise on nutes for a while it has plenty


Well-Known Member
ya, no nutes for now, what he said...

You can put your plants into flower anytime you want. People grow from seed in 12/12, so go to town when you're ready. I'm not sure about the mix for nutes for flowering with soil, or what kind to use, I am doing hydro and have advanced nutes the schedual is on the bottle for me, kinda just have to make sure I measure everything. I'm sure someone will know that answer and help you out though.


Well-Known Member
i have no idea, im kinda wondering the same about mine, ill prolly let mine veg another week tho and start my 12/12 next monday