Early blooming outdoor deficiencies with pics

Hey guys first row here actually looking pretty good except for the one. It is about three and a gd mon. ths old and its has been flowering do about three weeks. It started about two months ago with interveinal yellowing on lower older leaves. It has now worked its way up to new shoots and newer fan leaves. Recemtly it has began to seemingly burn along the margins and tips and curl upwards some other leaves have gotten necrosis patches and are dying.

Thanks for any help or input its greatly appreciated.

Its ridiculous because this is the eighth time I have typed This all and uploaded the pics on my BlackBerryi keep some how deleting it. I pray I don't do it agaiN after I am done typing this word.



Well-Known Member
explain your setup better such as what you are using for
nutes ?
water source and ph ?
are there any little flying gnats?
soil, hydro?
indoor outdoor?
It is outdoor. Been using miracle grow 26 15 10 or something lke that during Veg usually about 1-2 liters water with revomended mix almost every watering. I have been using miracle gro super bloom 7 27 12 or somethi usually put two litErs with recommend dose every watering maybe on the third water I won't use . The miracle grow does not contain magnesium tho and laylt I have been giving it epsim salts with no effect. I do not have a pH tester so I have never taken the ph. It is dirT about a eight gallon pot. There has been some very tiny red bugs on the plant doesn't look lie very many at all tho. Although it is outdoor in the center of a bush and I have never used any insecticide