Early Buds

shynee mac

Well-Known Member
if they have actually been flowering for a month you could be done as early as mid-early september...my sour deisel is budding also,but I wish I had a month of flowering to brag about:-P:weed: good luck on your early harvest!


Well-Known Member
it's up to you if they are ready... I personally will be harvesting 1-2 by then..
I use the immature (or almost mature) stuff in edibles.. gives me a nice energy buzz for hours...

heck you can even freeze it green and then make hash within 1 day of cutting


Well-Known Member
2/3 of mine are popping pistils in earnest. The first one started almost a month ago but they are slow going (all but one preflowered in June). A few have started to pick up momentum :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
They're ready when they're ready. Let's be real. If its a backyard grow, you're gonna be looking at them sumbitches everrrday!!!! :D Here's my early flowering GDP. Its been flowering for weeks but I don't really expect it done until the end of September. I might pick mid-sept if all the signs are there (higher red to white pistol ratio and cloudy trichomes) but I try to time my harvests by the full moon if I at all can. Old hippies swear by it.

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My sativa is flowering too. I dont listen to the 8-10 week guesses people give. The outdoors is a lot different than the 12/12 that's described in most grow books. I hope to pull it around Oct 29.

By biggs34 at 2012-08-03


Well-Known Member
I'm with you, BigJon - what latitude are you at? (I'm at 40)

Watched pot never flowers -- or it seems to take a verrry long time :weed:


Well-Known Member
I'm with you, BigJon - what latitude are you at? (I'm at 40)

Watched pot never flowers -- or it seems to take a verrry long time :weed:
I'm at 38. The difference between those two plants and my other plants has to be them both trying to flower earlier in the season. After re-vegging for a few weeks, they started stretching right after the Summer Equinox. (June 20)


Well-Known Member
Now that you mentioned it, the ones that are flowering most (save 1) are among those that showed their sex as seedlings. Maybe stressing to show sex as seedlings enables the plant to flower earlier than it normally would as an adult (sort of like, "Been there, done that". lol).


Well-Known Member
Now that you mentioned it, the ones that are flowering most (save 1) are among those that showed their sex as seedlings. Maybe stressing to show sex as seedlings enables the plant to flower earlier than it normally would as an adult (sort of like, "Been there, done that". lol).
Ooo nice find. I used clones but my the one I ran an experiment on is the sativa in the pics. The indica was due to photo period.


Well-Known Member
Also, the patch in fullest sun (12+ direct) is going great guns now. They are off to the races! Interestingly, the ones with the broadest indica-esque leaves are generally going slower. Just some more observations ...

So happy, happy, happy they started early - my last year was a disaster (flooding killed and stunted most of my plants) and I ran out of my harvest way too quick. I made a lot of improvements and having a bumper crop :bigjoint:

Bud Grauer

New Member
They're ready when they're ready."

Here is what I would do: I'd let the tops bud get nice phat swollen calixes then harvest them (as badly as you want to smoke 'em it is very very very important to cure them correctly) - then let the lower branches flower out. Do that until the first frost kills the plant.

In my experience, you can harvest flowers THREE times. (Each time you cut off the tip of a branch, new branches will start growin down lower but you can only do this 3X - afet the third time, no new flowering branches will grow) .... but I sure ain'[t no expert, maybe sumbuddy else has more experience.

That "8-10 weeks" stuff is BS. If you listen to that you are going to end up harvesting the whole plant and denying yourself many more weeks of females buds!! (At least in the southern US) MJ will keep flowering for months. I know that inn Northen Calif and Columbia (where there is usually no frost), they keep MJ plants growing for years.


Well-Known Member
They're ready when they're ready."

Here is what I would do: I'd let the tops bud get nice phat swollen calixes then harvest them (as badly as you want to smoke 'em it is very very very important to cure them correctly) - then let the lower branches flower out. Do that until the first frost kills the plant.

In my experience, you can harvest flowers THREE times. (Each time you cut off the tip of a branch, new branches will start growin down lower but you can only do this 3X - afet the third time, no new flowering branches will grow) .... but I sure ain'[t no expert, maybe sumbuddy else has more experience.

That "8-10 weeks" stuff is BS. If you listen to that you are going to end up harvesting the whole plant and denying yourself many more weeks of females buds!! (At least in the southern US) MJ will keep flowering for months. I know that inn Northen Calif and Columbia (where there is usually no frost), they keep MJ plants growing for years.
Yep. When I harvest my plants, I always leave as many leaves and vegetation as possible on the plant. Usually after a few weeks new buds develop.


Well-Known Member
A microscope to view your trichromes is the best indicator of when your plants are Ripe, regardless of how long they have been flowering.

Sounds like a nice mix you have ther James.. keep us updated dood.

Peace :leaf:


Well-Known Member
In my experience, you can harvest flowers THREE times. (Each time you cut off the tip of a branch, new branches will start growin down lower but you can only do this 3X - afet the third time, no new flowering branches will grow) .... but I sure ain'[t no expert, maybe sumbuddy else has more experience.
I am in disagreement here because i have Topped, Douple Topped and TrippleTopped plants to produce multiple branches, which all will flower. :shock: