early flowering strains that are potent


Ive grown out 5difrent strains from bag seed before and I never did find the pheno I was looking for.Im looking for a plant that is easy to clone.And the clones that plant 7to10 inches apart.and grow into solid 3to5foot baseball bat sized sticky resin covered colas.Now Ive had a indica pheno white widow.that greww nice like this but I hated the long flower time 10 weeks.and they only grew 2and a half feet tall .I still want a punch.has any one tried early skunk.or a power plant.or any info on a early sativa or hybrid


Thanks 1cooguy thats one very informative list.koider1 if I find a strain that puts out 5pounds for a four footer.The way I sog, happy days are here again.I know I wont get more than a 3 or 4 oz of each plant in a sog .The way I was thinking is that if I use a strechy early flowering sativa.Ide get more weight.I like to grow but I have a life .It takes so much time to fip a crop out . And the lighting bill is astronomical .I smoke my self about an ounce a week for pain.Then my aunt has cancer and my best freind that Ive had since 10 has aids .So thats why I grow in a sog But seriously I think Pinkus may have found the strain that Ive been looking for.I really like the ganesh on paper .Thank you for finding it for me.I hope mandella wont be sold out for long.If any one else knows a variety .Id appreciate learning from your expeiriance