Early flowering to find out sex!


Active Member
I have a few little friends growing in a cabinent, so they're in a very confined area. I have 8 of them, and they are all looking very happy and well..

The problem is there is one which seems to not want to stop being all over the place and blocking all the other ones. It's already much bigger than the others, and I already moved the lights around to be more even, but still.

I've been pruning this baby for 2 weeks and it won't stop trying to take over.

I was wondering if putting them on 12/12 to start them to flower a little early just to see their sex, then putting them back on 18/6 would be harmful at all?

I just really want to know if continuing to prune the giant one is worth it.

Thank you! :D


Well-Known Member
It is very stessfull to them.... They will stretch like crazy while you wait to see their sex, as it can take up to 2-3 weeks.... So you will almost double their size, then to try and revert back is very stressfull and can takemonths if you don't put them into Hermy mode... Just train the plant and prune away and top.... whatever you have to...


Well-Known Member
Take clones of each plant to see whitch are male and female. Don't put them on 12/12off till the root system is showing on your clones it can be done but best to wait for roots.then out with the males and flower your girls.cut the top of the main stem in the mean time this will force her or him out instead of up.


Well-Known Member
Take clones of each plant to see whitch are male and female. Don't put them on 12/12off till the root system is showing on your clones it can be done but best to wait for roots.then out with the males and flower your girls.cut the top of the main stem in the mean time this will force her or him out instead of up.
Agreed. Take a clone from each plant, mark which ones came from which plants. When the roots show on the clones, flower them and you'll know which are males which are females.

This process will take you a couple of weeks, don't know if you're going to wait that long to flower anyway.

I usually do that early on so I can know the sex in advance.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
put i branch in a dark bag for a few days that is still on the plant. this will show sex with out herming a plant. do tht to a lwer branch that wont produce that much bud.