Early flowering?


I planted some seedlings in a plastic cup on Sept 30-Oct 2 & I just recently transferred all of them on Nov 1st. into a one gallon pot with Fox Farm Ocean Forest soil. Its my first time growing outdoors but they seemed to be doing great until recently i discovered white pistils growing out on i'd say 5 out of 12 plants. Its way too early for them to be flowering but im guessing it can be because of the time change and where the plants are located at.
I am thinking of putting them in the garage inside a green house. I am looking into buying lights and everything else to try to help them try to re-veg aswell. I tried researching on methods but i am still uncertain on what i should really do to benefit the grow. Please feel free to leave any comments and advice, anything will help! ill post some pictures below aswell! THX!


Well-Known Member
It's gonna be a calyx. And the 2 new growth next to the stem is gonna be just giant fan leaves or 2 new branches


Well-Known Member
Are you trying to re-veg? if so you just gotta switch the light cycle I see you don't have any lights yet. But that is the only way to re-veg them. Once you get the lights it will do it's thing from there. Also I think those 2 yellow leaves are the first set of leaves 5hst come in on the plant they will no matter what die so don't worry about those 2 leaves without fingers. Once they build there new roots in those pots they will get bigger also. I also think they should still be in veg right now. But I know you are growing outdoors so you can't determine that.


Well-Known Member
Those are normal for vegging females. Seeds show sex usually in 4-8 weeks even on 24 h light.
Also, what hemisphere are you in? If you are in the Northern hemisphere they will continue to flower because of the light cycle right now. If you are in the Southern hemisphere then they are just showing sex and no additional lighting should be necessary to keep them in veg.
Lights wouldn't hurt, but if you are in the Southern hemisphere growing under natural light cycles then what you are seeing is probably not true flowering, they are showing sex as they reach sexual maturity, totally normal. If you are in the Northern hemisphere then the only way to re-veg is with supplemental lights because they are supposed to be flowering right now because we are getting less than 12 hours of natural light at the moment.