EARLY LST for seedling


Well-Known Member
In my opinion, you should wait. I believe one of the purposes of LST is to let the hormones shift in the plant stalk to help the lower buds grow and flowering more when that time comes.

Someone told me that you should wait until 3-5 nodes(2-3weeks old) on your branch before you LST and try to get the top bent down further than at least the node below the top...........this will transfer hormones.

All you have right now is a plant that is bent at the bottom, with no beneficial increased light to lower nodes.........since you don't have any nodes.

Overall, remove that tie and let it grow, so that when you do bent it..........the hormones flow to lower buds and branches and that's when light will actually benefit them.


New Member
LST is about not letting your plant get too tall. If you tie the top down, the branches will grow upward toward the light.

I don't know who told you all this hormone crap, but it sounds pretty far fetched.


Well-Known Member
Also I hypothesize (yeah I can't spell) that if your plant was to develop with the base of the stalk bent so much it could cause problems as it gains weight. I too would let the base remain straight to provide structural support. But in all honosty I have no real idea on the matter.


Well-Known Member

Again I do not know too much about lst'ing (besides I do it to make things fir in my box), but I did read something about the plants hormones and levels there of in "Medical Marijuana Cultivation: Indoor and Outdoor" by that guy who writes all those pot growing books. (I know it sounds way too vague, but you have seen the guy I'm talking about). It is an awesome book in total color, very detailed, in it he addresses the hormones within the plants. Something about the upper parts have more or less hormones. To be honost I didn't really read that section of the chapter so I couldn't begin to tell you what role hormones play in growing.


Well-Known Member
LST is about not letting your plant get too tall. If you tie the top down, the branches will grow upward toward the light.

I don't know who told you all this hormone crap, but it sounds pretty far fetched.
When you LST, the auxins get distributed differently so that the side branches, which are on around the same level as the main growing shoot, will get more growth hormones than they normally would, leading to a plant with multiple growth shoots that are larger than they normally would be.


Well-Known Member
This is just an experiment with a bagseed, I am trying to see If I can grow it like a corkscrew with the main stalk traveling in a circular pattern around the pot. When done the main stalk should look something like the electric range cook top heating element with the center pulled up to form almost a Christmas tree shape. All the branches will subsequently grow upwards toward the light. The root system should be centered and if done correctly with the right supports by the time its a month or two old and the stalk starts to thicken and harden it should stand on its own.

My problem is addiction, Once I wrap my mind around something I cant let it go until I know the answer. I have been smoking for 13 years, Then it finally dawned on me, Some things you just gotta do for yourself, So here we are now, balls deep in Horticulture.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Oh, and OP, LSTing this early will have absolutely zero benefit and will only harm your plant. Untrain it, let it grow upright, and sait until there are several nodes before you LST.