early toppings and a cherry on top


Well-Known Member
how early can you top..My plant is constantly growing symmetrically so there is constantly 2 tops, how do and when can I do this?

o yeah, seperate question now that I think of it. Multiple people have commented about watering at night as to evaporate water on leaves to avoid burning. Is this normal, should I start feeding at night...Also, someone told me to rub the nutes into the leaves, would it be best to water at night and take 5 minutes to rub in some nutes????


Well-Known Member
how early can you top..My plant is constantly growing symmetrically so there is constantly 2 tops, how do and when can I do this?

o yeah, seperate question now that I think of it. Multiple people have commented about watering at night as to evaporate water on leaves to avoid burning. Is this normal, should I start feeding at night...Also, someone told me to rub the nutes into the leaves, would it be best to water at night and take 5 minutes to rub in some nutes????
Hiya TyPo

Topping can be done from about the 4th or 5th node onwards. To top, you simply cut just below the growing shoots at the top of the meristem.

Regarding watering, I don't think it makes any difference when you water (you shouldn't be getting water on the leaves anyway!) but whenever you do it - do it consistently, so if you water in the morning always do it in the morning.

Watering is a subject that comes up quite often and whilst everyone thinks its fairly easy and straightforward, many still get it wrong. Watering needs to adhere to a wet/dry cycle, that is the water should fully saturate the soil right the way through and then not be watered again until it's dry. By dry I mean about 5-10% water retention in the soil. A good way of judging this is to feel the weight of the pot before you water it and it should feel fairly 'light', then fully saturate the soil with at least 20% run off off out of the bottom of the pot (this helps to drive out any stale and old air in the soil and replace it with fresh) and then feel the weight of the pot - it should now feel heavy. Don't water it again until it feels light or until you see the soil 'just' starting to pull away from the sides of the pot, ideally you should water just before that happens. Also 'cultivate' the top 1/4 - 1/2 inch of so of soil with your finger or the back of a pencil - just rough it up and move it about - this helps the water penetrate the soil evenly.

Don't be fooled into thinking that just because the soil on the top of the pot is dry it needs watering - judge it by the wet/dry cycle and 'weight' of the pot. Small plants in small pots will need watering far more regularly than big plants in big pots - bear that in mind as well. My clones at the moment in 4 inch pots need watering every 2 days, my flowering female in a 11 litre pot needs watering every 4 days.

On no account rub nutrients into the leaves you will burn them. If you want to or need to 'foliar feed' make up a weak solution of nutrient and spray the leaves after lights out. Many people use a weak epsom salts solution as a foliar spray as this has a faster affect than in the feed water.


Active Member
Do not water at night. By watering at night you are promoting mold growth. Without your lights on for heat to evaporate any excess water you are creating good conditions for mold ( dark and damp). You should water shortly before you turn your lights on.
Furthermore when watering make sure, if you are using tap water, to let your water sit out for 24 hours, this will be enough time for flouride and chlorine to evaporate and bring your water to room temperature.


Active Member
hey man i topped my plants smaller then 6 inchs tall and they started gowing new shoots all ver the plant and now its about a foot tall with 18 shoots off it now PEACE!


Well-Known Member
ya there is no real guideline for when to top. GK and socko are a perfect example of how adaptive the plant really is


Active Member
Hiya TyPo

Topping can be done from about the 4th or 5th node onwards. To top, you simply cut just below the growing shoots at the top of the meristem.

Regarding watering, I don't think it makes any difference when you water (you shouldn't be getting water on the leaves anyway!) but whenever you do it - do it consistently, so if you water in the morning always do it in the morning.

Watering is a subject that comes up quite often and whilst everyone thinks its fairly easy and straightforward, many still get it wrong. Watering needs to adhere to a wet/dry cycle, that is the water should fully saturate the soil right the way through and then not be watered again until it's dry. By dry I mean about 5-10% water retention in the soil. A good way of judging this is to feel the weight of the pot before you water it and it should feel fairly 'light', then fully saturate the soil with at least 20% run off off out of the bottom of the pot (this helps to drive out any stale and old air in the soil and replace it with fresh) and then feel the weight of the pot - it should now feel heavy. Don't water it again until it feels light or until you see the soil 'just' starting to pull away from the sides of the pot, ideally you should water just before that happens. Also 'cultivate' the top 1/4 - 1/2 inch of so of soil with your finger or the back of a pencil - just rough it up and move it about - this helps the water penetrate the soil evenly.

Don't be fooled into thinking that just because the soil on the top of the pot is dry it needs watering - judge it by the wet/dry cycle and 'weight' of the pot. Small plants in small pots will need watering far more regularly than big plants in big pots - bear that in mind as well. My clones at the moment in 4 inch pots need watering every 2 days, my flowering female in a 11 litre pot needs watering every 4 days.

On no account rub nutrients into the leaves you will burn them. If you want to or need to 'foliar feed' make up a weak solution of nutrient and spray the leaves after lights out. Many people use a weak epsom salts solution as a foliar spray as this has a faster affect than in the feed water.
yeah what you said about the end there, you are so right about that b/c i killed my last plant foliar feeding during light (powder mixed into water spray bottle)

well now i know for next time.


Well-Known Member
Check out my topping threads as well as topless ladies. I am going for a flat top much like an Oak canopy before I flower and then when I let them start to grow up I may be late integrating them into a SOG or funnel SOG style.

Anyways I topped on the 3rd set of leaves (sprout leaves, 1st mature) then I chopped off the first set of 5 points. I do my topping much earlier than most and you have to be willing for everything to go wrong if you mess up. the cut must be clean and the utinsil should be cleaned/sanitized before cutting.


Well-Known Member
Check out my topping threads as well as topless ladies. I am going for a flat top much like an Oak canopy before I flower and then when I let them start to grow up I may be late integrating them into a SOG or funnel SOG style.

Anyways I topped on the 3rd set of leaves (sprout leaves, 1st mature) then I chopped off the first set of 5 points. I do my topping much earlier than most and you have to be willing for everything to go wrong if you mess up. the cut must be clean and the utinsil should be cleaned/sanitized before cutting.
wouldnt it be easier to just wait to when your actually supposed to do it therfor you dont run into that problem i dunno, maybe im stupid or something but it sounds like ur making it harder on yourself for no reason since its likely to cause more problems


Well-Known Member
Good point. Pots very resiliant and can take the abuse. The care and caution is to prevent undue stress and those measures should be taken in later topping as well.