easiest/cheapest way to get decent water?


hello my fellow herbal botanists!

After some research ive discovered its quite important with a soil grow to get clean water to feed with.

At the moment im restricted to bottled water.

Im out of work and need a decent home solution, what can you recommend?



Well-Known Member
tap water would probably be cheaper than bottled water.... tap water works great, as long as it's ph balanced. it should be between 6.2-6.8 in ph. you can get a digi gauge or a freshwater one at your local pet shop. measure your water, then get it to that range using either ph up or ph down. ph is very very important, so it's basically a neccesity to watch it. that's the cheapest and easiest way i know of..... good luck


Its about 8.0-8.5, ive been letting it stand for a few days and using malt vinegar to lower it to 6.5 before watering. (i only have seedlings atm if that matters)


Well-Known Member
rain water... set up 50 gl buckets by ur easedrops or get a britta filter.. i got my jug from a thrift store for $1 and the filters was $3 but it takes time to get alota water filtered


Well-Known Member
Surely living in a city the rain water would be full of crap?
so would ur tap... rain probly less... plants grow outside dont they??? rain water is very good.. living in say NYC it could be worse i gess but still probly better then ur tap in most cases


Surely though tap water has to have had the harmful chems removed due to health and safety restrictions, rain water hasnt had this privilege. Yes plants grow outside but I dont just want mine to grow, I want them to thrive :)


Well-Known Member
Surely though tap water has to have had the harmful chems removed due to health and safety restrictions, rain water hasnt had this privilege. Yes plants grow outside but I dont just want mine to grow, I want them to thrive :)
yes but tap water has adatives added as well not jus filtered... theres no clorine in rain water... u add nutes so they dont thrive... if u can get ur hands on a PPM meter, ake the 2 and see which has more... the rain water is more natural then ur tap... ur tap get filtered cuz it comes from lakes and such that r supperpoluted, fish piss and shit and stigment waters... rain is always fresh, well for the most part


Active Member
My best suggestion to you mate jsut so happens to be, use bloody tap water, and let it sit out for a small while. THat, or you could just simply touch each section, filtered tap + rain water. It the rain's pH is mostly acidic, and your tap is mostly alkaline, then, combine both, let it stand for a few days, and voila. (Might be a good idea to boil it to make sure it's sterilised some, otherwise, you wouldn't want a microbial infection of your plants.)


Ok thanks for the suggestions, I think im going to see how easily I can produce distilled water then adjust the PH of that depending on the outcome.