easiest outdoor strain


Well-Known Member
holland hope is mold and pest resistant. i got 10 beans, but havnt geown them out yet. we've been working with mikado for the last 8-10 years with great succes. great taste and high, and they'll finish by the end of august-mid september.


Well-Known Member
Dr Chronic's MP5K did great outside a couple of years ago for me. Easy to grow and very potent. Will grow again this year.


Well-Known Member
What kind of effect do you want? uplifting high, narcotic stone, euphoric, clear, trippy?


Endless Sky - Dr Greenthumb

42-45 days flower indoor/ mid September outdoor, good yield, indica stone, potent.



Something by Serious Seeds - Chronic or White Russian. Phenominal stones, great yield.



Durban Poison would be a nice early finishing Sativa that's good for new growers. Sativa high.

Genetics: Durban PoisonVariety: 100% Sativa
Type: Traditional Landrace, true-breeding strain.
Harvest Date: September
Flowering Period: 8-9 weeks
THC Content: 8.6%
No. of Seeds Per Packet: 5
Characteristics: Early flowering

Imported from South Africa, produced in Holland. Exclusively inbred, never hybridized, 100% Sativa. Large long budleaves, buds are also large and long with lots of resin. A sweet licorice or anise flavour. “Up” high similar to Thai. High yields. Well suited for outcrossing with late bloomers to produce earlier flowering. Also does very well under artificial light. A very popular variety.





Well-Known Member
You dont mention whether ur north or south, differ strains adapt to differ climes. NWPAC strains like big bud, shishkaberry do good. More indica than sativa for shorter growing seasons. All seem to mold and need to be watched closely around these parts. Keep On Growin


Well-Known Member
i live in northern virginia which is just outside of DC. How is early girl and misty girl for my area? Also which plant can i start really early in the spring so that it finishes very quickly?


Well-Known Member
Also i'm growing in a woody type of area so it's not going to get complete direct on sunlight throughout the day. Which plant can i grow in this kind of area?


Active Member
it realy dosent mather what strain of weed you grow!just give it some love,nutes and sunlight and everithing should be fine


Well-Known Member
Im in Florida and I have done my home work and came up with april 21 to may 1 to start , and harvest around september. That should be standard for evreyone in the south. I ordered whiteberry,afgan kush,brazilian amozonia, and white dwarf. I wish yal luck and would love any sothern backyard gardening tips you may have.


Well-Known Member
Texada Timewarp is a commercial strain grown outdoors, commercially, on Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. Fantastic high, huge yields. Its hardy and low-maintenance. There are some variations in height and branching style. Excellent, clean high/superb smoke and taste. Matures mid-late Sept, great northern strain. Can grow to 12 feet. 70% sativa, 30% indica.

Endless Sky is 42-45 days (mid late sept), big yield, knock out punch, frost resistance.

Durban Poison - great beginner strain, Imported from South Africa, produced in Holland. Exclusively inbred, never hybridized, 100% Sativa. Large long budleaves, buds are also large and long with lots of resin. A sweet licorice or anise flavour. “Up” high similar to Thai. High yields. Well suited for outcrossing with late bloomers to produce earlier flowering. Also does very well under artificial light. A very popular variety. I've read that the stems can get as big around as pop bottles. Flower for 8-9 weeks, harvest September.

There are so many great strains.


