easiest way to grow a lb every 2 months?


Active Member
lets say you have a mother plant, limited space (roughly 5ft x 5ft) and want to grow at least a pound every 2 months... what would be the easiest way to do that? the fastest? the most cost effective? opinions please because $$ is not a big issue here, just the lack of space unfortunately


Well-Known Member
good lights, cloning area, veg area and flowering area. Use a SOG (Sea Of Green) or ScrOG (Screen Of Green) method depending on if your strain will let you. Make sure that about 3 weeks before harvest, lots of clones are taken and right after harvest, clean the flowering area (wipe everything with a 10% bleach solution to make sure area is clean) and throw the new clones in. How high is the area? If done right you might be able to fit all three rooms in that area, one on top of the other. Becareful though mother plants can get big depending on strain.


Active Member
ok but i want specifics from people who've actually pulled a pound... like what wattage on the lights, how many plants under said light, how big of a screen if done with ScroG, etc.

i have a 400w hps right now, is that not enough? can i get away with a 600w and 10-15 plants for that holy grail (pound of bud)

if you can actually pull this much every 2 months i want to know exactly how!


Well-Known Member
I have seen it pulled off but not in the space your talking and he had a room for one HUGE mother, a room for clones, A veg room , bud room, and drying room. Each was perfect conditions for the plants. The set up in the flowering area was 1x 1000 hps light, 2x 500ish cfm fans, co2 tank, temp 78 high and 73 low, drip hydro set up, all walls coted with mylar and there was not a spot of dirt to be found. There were 3 plants and I'm about 6' 6'' and the plants were bigger than I. Last harvest i watched him fill his bath tube. It was amazing, words can not even be worthy. Cant remeber the strain but to me it looked like AK-48 (I might be wrong).