Easiest Way To Grow a Mother Plant?


Well-Known Member
I'm going to be using a Grow Tent DR80 with a 250w HPS. I was wondering what would be the easiest way to keep myself able to grow?

I have 10 Top44 seeds. Should i grow a male and female in the tent, then colllect the seeds, then grow my females for bud until I get low on seeds?

If someone here could tell me how they would manage clones in my space, I'd like to hear.

So, if you had 2'8" x 2'8" x 5'3" space, with a 250w HPS...how would you manage growing bud in the tent, while growing clones preparing for flowering, to avoid having to use the rest of your (8-9 seeds)?

Thanks so much to whoever can help.


Well-Known Member
Btw, I plan on attempting to grow 2 females at a time using scrog method under the 250w HPS. Sound ok?

tleaf jr.

Well-Known Member
grow out a female and keep her in veg and takes from her top44 is not a very branchy strain so topping will be neccesary,or lst (low stress training)and when she has anof branching start talkin clones ,then take one of her clones and make into a mom and so on youll need more than one area for veg and flower room


Well-Known Member
What's an easy way I can grow a mother plant with a simple light setup?

Actually, do you think this would be ok to keep a mother plant alive? I just need to know what kind of bulb i would need, something i could hopefully get from wally world or home depot.

We used the light and cage for a pet Iguana, so I'm not sure how strong the bulb is :P


Well-Known Member
SO, what kind of bulb could I do with to keep the mother plant alive and well enough to take care of my clones as well?


Well-Known Member
hey skitzo... check out my grow journal (link in my signature) .. i use a washing machine to house my mother plants in.. it holds up to 6 nice bushy mothers... but i currently have only 2 mothers and a bunch of clones in there...
just check out my journal... im sure youll get an idea of how u could use something u already have and just add 6-8 small CFLs... cheap and easy



Well-Known Member
btw.... i bought everything i used to make this from walmart.. . i found the washing machine next to the road.


Well-Known Member
Metal Halide are the best for veg thats what i use for my mothers and veg room, but you can keep a mother alive with a couple two/tree cfls.


Well-Known Member
yeah i use 2 cfl's to keep my mothers and clones alive i have 2 on top and 2 around it she's only a 18"-24" mother tho i use more for my clones tho