East Coast Glass?


Active Member
I'm in the market for a quality bong and have a $200.00 budget. Went to my local head shop and really couldn't afford what I wanted. There were a couple of Lux and Illedelph that caught my eye around the $400.00 mark. Thers a ton of local glass out West that I want....like Crystal Fog. Do any of you guys know of quality local glass here on the East Coast (Southern New England)? I'd rather support our local glass blowers if possible. Anyone?

ello moto

i live in the south east and iv never found a quality local peice anywere the only place i know were to get a halfassedly decent one at a price that i cud afford when i made that much was at a beer and tabacco outlet cuz all the ones around here that are local are all at the cheapest like 50 or more