Easy Organics, Foxfarm Happy frog


Well-Known Member
Hello All,

I am a autoflower grower. Previously all my grows had been done using foxfarm ocean forrest and foxfarm Trio. After making a flushing mistake on my last batch (only flushing for a week) and producing some harsh bud i wanted to give organics a shot.

My question is this: Is foxfarm happy frog a good soil (or are there any retail soils) that can be used as a stand alone food source, or am i going to have to ammend whatever soil i have with natural food sources? I ask because making a soil mix than waiting 30 days before i can plant something seems like a big pain in the ass. All input is appreciated.

oilfield bud

Well-Known Member
I've always used happy frog cut with some perlite. It will get you through about a month and a half of vegging without having to add anything

Richard Drysift

Well-Known Member
Just keep adding compost and/or worm castings to it. You do not need to amend it until you've grown plants a full cycle. Maybe pick up some liquid fish if your plants get pale and need soluble npk later on. You could also simply top dress with some fish bone meal and kelp. Then use those same amendments to recycle the soil later on. Maybe you can slowly acquire a few mineral inputs and good sources of N like chicken/cow manure as well to also add in to recycle your soil. Perlite is good to have to cut down and improve drainage of heavier compost laden soils. Happy frog is good but any decent organic garden soil should work. Keep it simple it's not as complex as it seems.

Go go n chill

Well-Known Member
Just keep adding compost and/or worm castings to it. You do not need to amend it until you've grown plants a full cycle. Maybe pick up some liquid fish if your plants get pale and need soluble npk later on. You could also simply top dress with some fish bone meal and kelp. Then use those same amendments to recycle the soil later on. Maybe you can slowly acquire a few mineral inputs and good sources of N like chicken/cow manure as well to also add in to recycle your soil. Perlite is good to have to cut down and improve drainage of heavier compost laden soils. Happy frog is good but any decent organic garden soil should work. Keep it simple it's not as complex as it seems.
Glad your back on RIU, big contributor