Easy PH +/- calculation method in ML and gallons (north america)


Well-Known Member
Before I go any further I would like to say I am no math wiz and I might be doing a few extra steps to help
the mathematically challenged. Bare with me, I have had a few drinks... HA!

*****(Figure out how many ml of your solution is needed to move 1 gallon 0.1 ph level up or down)*****

It will be like 1 tsp/tbsp or whatever for ? amount of gallons. Find what the unit of measurement is in ML.
For me its 1 tsp (aka 5ml) per 4 gallons of water to move a full 1 point (for both my ph up and down)
So take your ML needed, and divide it by your gallons to get your fraction...
For me it was 5ml / 4gallons = 1.25ml to move ONE gallon up or down ONE full PH point.
Because we are trying to move only 0.1ph with the solution, we divide the answer by 10.
Mine was 1.25ml so 1.25 / 10 = .125ml (my solution moves 0.1ph either up or down for ONE gallon with .125ml)

(For me it was .125 ml, Replace my .125 with your solution that moves 1 gallon 0.1ph in ML, as your
solution maybe stronger or weaker than mine.) (the .125 or solution you may need to replace is on line #5 below)

1 (X = Res PH reading) (Q = Desired ph reading) (Y = Diffrence)
2 X (+/-) Q = Y
3 (Y = how many (tenths or 1/10's or .1's of a ph you have to move up or down to get Q)
4 (take decimal out of Y)
5 (Y * .125 = ?ml) needed to adjust 1 gallon to Q. (this is where you need your fraction to be correct, If the ml
needed to move 1 gallon 0.1 ph is a diffrent than .125 ml, replace it with your solution, you may need to be
sober to figure it out if this part is confusing.)

6 For more than 1 gallon Mutiply this (?ml) answer to the amount of gallons to adjust X to Q.

Hopefully I did'nt loose you guys, I'm too fucked up to give variables for every unit of measurement, but im sure
it's easy enough to translate this shit into other shit. IDK why i just got tired of fucking guessing today when i was
mixing. would rather have one very calculated move, than spend ten mins trying to dump out, add in, blah blah...



Well-Known Member
ok boss . after you add bloom nutrients instead of veg or when you use both early flower. you need to check the ph after you add nutrients. and my tap is city water . the ph is not always the same from week to week. some times it sits @ 7 some times 8 .


Well-Known Member
If you figure out how much ML of solution will move one gallon's PH 0.1 ph +/- you can pretty much skip half of this shit. Just need your ???ml to replace the (.125) on my #5 line.



Well-Known Member
ok boss . after you add bloom nutrients instead of veg or when you use both early flower. you need to check the ph after you add nutrients. and my tap is city water . the ph is not always the same from week to week. some times it sits @ 7 some times 8 .
YES! All the +/- comes AFTER nutes. I was just trying to illustrate the process from someone either using just water, or had already added there nutes.
Lazy people like me guess a lot when i comes to math, hell i had enough drinks it took me like a fuckin hour to figure it out, type a simple version, etc. lol


Well-Known Member
check your ph every watering , and if in hydro. after a few days ph DOES wonder , I suggest check daily . so you put a quick probe in hit a button or mix a quick solution, I can guarantee im the most lazy person here . I sit on the couch 10to 15 hours a day . and I still check ph daily. if you want to get high tech . just buy your product already dry and ready to go . there are no short cuts in growing.


Well-Known Member
I dont know if it would be or not but if its on a sliding scale this one might need a slope number and graph paper to chart :):):)


Well-Known Member
ok boss . after you add bloom nutrients instead of veg or when you use both early flower. you need to check the ph after you add nutrients. and my tap is city water . the ph is not always the same from week to week. some times it sits @ 7 some times 8 .
I fixed the bottom of the post for ya. Yeah, I know it always fluctuates, as does the planet we live on, and the girls we grow. Every time I water my soil grow, I ph the tub of water i fill. I never expect that thing to be the same from day to day.