easy ryder day23 and Gws lives on d21 pics + 1 Question

`SoA || Asi

Well-Known Member
I newbie 2nd indoor Clf 2 23 watts and 2 25 watt daylights
Eryder day 23 whata smelly plant it stink my room out all ready is it near flowering?

saved gws - Wind blew it off the roof at day 11 didnt know it fell was a hot day so it was upside down on it self for 2 hours on hot concret so it got burned a bit - recovering at day 21 lols

white hairs coming out



Well-Known Member
I newbie 2nd in
Eryder day 23 whata smelly plant it stink my room out all ready is it near flowering?

saved gws - Wind blew it off the roof at day 11 didnt know it fell was a hot day so it was upside down on it self for 2 hours on hot concret so it got burned a bit - recovering at day 21 lols

white hairs coming out

Were these clones or seed?
What is your light schedule?
What hemisphere are you in?
Are you feeding nutes or not?
I would not be able to give you an educated answer without this info. Good Luck


Well-Known Member
So is it spring or summer there? If they are only 23 days from seed I would say no not yet the plant isnt mature yet . Will this stay inside or go outside?


Well-Known Member
Dude she will handle half strength nutes and she looks very similiar to my easy ryder which is same age. Also mate in my books Easy Ryders are AUTO FLOWERS!!! You need likes on 20/4 or 24/0 to get the full potential. Change this asap!


Well-Known Member
If you can do it inside, do it inside. Autoflowers dont perform well outside they dont get enough light. You need your light on 20/4 or 24/0 asap dude


Well-Known Member
you might just save your crop with that bit of advice I gave ya lol.
Im not sure mate im fucking baked at the moment.