EBB & Flo bucket sys PROBLEMS


I am in the fourth week of flowering, and my plants started dying after I began using mycorrhizae (white shark) and other beneficial bacterias. I realized that the lines are getting clogged by the sludge.
Does anybody know the best way to get rid of the sludge with out removing the plants because they are over 5 feet tall bushes. I can not remove them with out causing damage to the plants.
Thank you.


Well-Known Member
tipp to help with preventing the sludge is dont use an airstone with that product as with most frost products..

if you are even using one that is..


Thank you for your reply. The sludge was forming with and with out the air stone.
Is there anything that I can use to flush the lines with out taking the plants out?
Is there any product that contains mycorrhizae and other beneficial micro organisms in a liquid form... besides enzymes?
Thank you.


Well-Known Member
this had happened to me, but i use a sludgey nutrient, i use botanicare PBP, the only way to combat this is to flush with plain water every 4 weeks religiously, you can also use flora kleen which i prefer over the botanicare version of clearex. getting back to my rememdy this happened only on my chiller lines i just replaced them, only happened once outa of like 5 runs with the system and nutes, so in the future if this happened to me i would just change out lines, making things easier on yourself always keep extra hosing and extra connectors


Active Member
I personally try to avoid any bacteria in my res beneficial or not. h2o2 every week at res changes and top offs @ 1tbs per gallon, never had a problem. Not sure what kind of ferts your using though. If your using organic you don't want to use h2o2 and I can't really help ya.


I changed all lines and fittings. I use the full line of general hydroponics nutes but I was using White Shark instead of sub culture M & B because I was getting better results. Now I think I will not use powder beneficial micro organisms any more because they will not completely dissolve.
Is there any beneficial micro organisms in a liquid form?
Thank you for your replays everyone!