Ebb & flow nutrients


Well-Known Member
Got a question about what to use in my ebb and flow system. I have on hand flora nova bloom and mega crop 2 part and my tap water is 330ppm so wondering is flora nova ok to run in ebb and flow with tap water with that high ppm? I can use the mega crop but I like the simplicity of the flora nova bloom. I have ran the system before but used 19-4-23 from start to finish. I know there is some folks on here that like the nova bloom and tap so maybe one of you could give me some advice please and thank you
You will want a sterile rez for ebb flow, check out Dutch Nutrients commercial line. Some of the best weed I have grown has been with this, do not sleep on it. Organic in hydro is like pissing in the wind.
I have Dutch master zone and pool shock but my main concern was if the flora nova bloom is organic’s or not didn’t really look at it much yet and since I have mega crop 2 part on hand and it’s close to jacks 3-2-1 I think I will run that for this run and see how it goes
Yes you can use the FloraNova
I thought it was you that said it works great I was just worried about if it was organic or not. Is there any thing I should be aware of using it in a res? Does it fall out or anything crazy. Also do you recommend to run sterile or bennies? I have used the zone before but that was when I had issues with roots on a covered table I’m now running hydroton so shouldn’t run into that issue again but want to be prepared
I thought it was you that said it works great I was just worried about if it was organic or not. Is there any thing I should be aware of using it in a res? Does it fall out or anything crazy. Also do you recommend to run sterile or bennies? I have used the zone before but that was when I had issues with roots on a covered table I’m now running hydroton so shouldn’t run into that issue again but want to be prepared

No it's not organic. It will leave some residue but nothing real bad. If you have it you might as well use it.

If the MegaCrop 2 part you have is the 5-12-26 + calcium nitrate that's going to have less residue if any. By residue I mean precipitates on the bottom of the res and buildup around the water line in the res.

I would run sterile.

Either one of those nutrients is going to be just fine. I can't say either is better. Brand of nutrient is not as important as what it contains and both of those will provide plants with everything they need. The rest is up to you and getting the environmental factors set.

Good luck.
What type of bennies do you run? I’m not sure what salt based bennies are sorry
bacilus amyloliquefaciens

And by salt based, I meant the nutes. I run a dry 1 part. The bacilus strain I(and a lot of others at RIU) run don't help with nutrient uptake, which isn't really necessary with chelated nutrients. They simply colonize the root zone and keep the bad guys in check if they do decide to show up. Roots like a Colgate commercial. This particular strain does well in hydro, as it can deal with temperature and PH fluctuations.

In regards to Flora Nova - I would go with something else. FN works well, but it is messy and there are so many other options that create less mess and outperform it.
I have used Floranova with my 300 ppm tap water in a flood and drain with no issues. I switched back to the GH 3 part just to be a little cleaner.
Canna Aqua base nutes here, plus Rhyzotonic, Cannnazym, Boost and PK13/14. Also run Silica Blast and Liquid Karma. Am trying out Terpinator and Rezin too (not at the same time, obvs).

Canna nutes are so easy to work with - initially ran AN, but left them sharpish after reading that one of the directors has been charged with paedophilia, I have never had an issue with Canna at all, and recommend it. The post sales support is pretty good too,
I used to run Dutch Master Gold with my F&D tables, it was cheap and awesome. They stopped making it, so I switched to Canna Aqua Flakes. I now use House and Garden nutes, cheaper than Canna with even better results (exact same containers, though). Good luck...
I used to run Dutch Master Gold with my F&D tables, it was cheap and awesome. They stopped making it, so I switched to Canna Aqua Flakes. I now use House and Garden nutes, cheaper than Canna with even better results (exact same containers, though). Good luck...
I am running Dutch Master Commercial line at the moment and it is amazing. Been running it for about 3 years now and have it dialed, unfortunately it looks like they have gone out of business. Glad I bought 5gal of everything a few months ago so I have a nice supply for the year. Looking in to jacks but H and G was great when I used it back in the day, maybe I will do a side by side when the time comes to switch it up.
This suggestion is not universal. I run flood and drain with beneficials(all salts, no organics) with stellar results.
That is dope, do you need to keep rez chilled or does it still work when temps rise? I don't care about temps with sterile rez, if that is true with the bennie you are using I will check it out. Thinking of adding some FFJ to the sterile rez ebb n flow to see what happens, have used it in the past with coco dtw (all salts) with great results.
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Fellow F&D guy here.....I'm a big DynaGro/DynaBloom fan. In particular I like it because I don't need to mix anything, it leaves no residue, and it doesn't stain my roots. I just measure and pour.
Fellow F&D guy here.....I'm a big DynaGro/DynaBloom fan. In particular I like it because I don't need to mix anything, it leaves no residue, and it doesn't stain my roots. I just measure and pour.
you tried the foliage pro? i thought it was really good and easy. just needed more mg