EBB N FLOW QUESTION? +rep for help!


Well-Known Member
how many time and for how long should i flood my tubs first time hydro leaving soil for now any help would be great thanks guys:peace:
Hydroton under 6"x6"x6" rockwool cubes. I don't know the gph of the pump, but am not sure it matters a lot. It is a pond pump. I imagine 400 gph would do it. It fills to an overflow then drains.


Well-Known Member
004.jpg001.jpg002.jpg003.jpgI am using 6x6 Rockwool growblocks and nothing underneath. just blocks. I water 4 times a day for 15 minutes each time during light hours only. I started my girls from baby clones straight into the blocks. Here they are at day 34 of 12/12.


Well-Known Member
Using a 600W HPS light and I am using General Hydroponics three part system. Also using GH Liquid Kool Bloom and Humbolt Honey. I should have about four weeks to go.


Well-Known Member
nice i got the GH 3 part to start and i guess i'll look into the kool bloom and such thanks alot. how many plants you growing


Well-Known Member
I have 6 plants growing on a 2x4 flood table. This is my first grow. I have an A/C hood with glass so I have the lights about 6" to 8" above the plants.


I am using the 6" cubes as well, however with newly transplanted clones I water for 2 mins/day in a 4x4 table or 5 mins/day in a 4x8 table under 24 hours of light for the first week. My pump is 396 gph. I usually judge by the water level instead of minutes watered. In that first week, I usually fill up halfway to the overflow or until the cubes feel heavy. If your not sure what heavy is keep an unnocupied cube thats fully watered and drained to the side for comparison.

After the first week, I up the timer to fill up to the overflow line. Another week or two later I have them water to the overflow twice a day. I only get up to about 3 times/day in rockwool during intense flowering. My conditions have never required me to water more than that, however everyones room is different. Expanded clay allows for much more waterings some people 5-6 times/day. The plants will quickly tell you what is too much or too little. Hoped that helped.