Ebb n' Grow Reservoir Question


Active Member

I am an experienced grower who uses the ebb n grow system, but lately I've been wondering if I've been wasting the nutrients, and overusing them by filling my reservoir too full.

The reservoir uses more water later in the flowering stage, and needs to be refilled daily. However, when starting out, I was curious about the following:

1. Anyone who uses the Ebb n' Grow bucket system, how full would you fill your reservoir for 30 plants? I have been filling it to around 45 gallons for no good reason from the start because that's what the guys who showed me my nutrient recipe did.

2. When you start using more water do you just increase your nutrients at that point?

I have a system down for reach reservoir change so I would know exactly how much I needed to add for the pH and ppm/EC to be perfect. However, I'm using expensive technaflora nutrients, and its a huge cost to continue doing what I'm doing.

Thanks as always!