EC-Confusion in Paris



  • Hi everyone...
    1000 thanks again for all your help guys. This is a great forum.........

    There is another question i have (sorry, again) : I use HY-PRO - HYDRO A+B Fertilizer. On the bottle it says to mix 50ml of each A+B into 10liter of water, then check with an EC meter that the mix is at 1.8 Now at the growshop the guys told me that i have to adjust that actually with the EC (here 0.35) that the water has without the HY-PRO. In other terms if my mix is 1.8 - it ACTUALLY is at 1.45 as 0.35 counts for the water...? I admit being confused. Can anyone explain this to me ? At the moment as my kiddies are still young i feed them a mix with 1.4....
    This turns out to be real science ! It was sure easier to grow the stuff in the garden when i still lived in the south, but here in Paris i real don't have a choice, but go indoor. Today i show you guys some pics...

    thx in advance for any feedback
