Economic Depression


Well-Known Member
So I happen to live in a town where there is unemployment in the double digits and everyone can tell. You walk into stores and they're basically empty, it really sucks. I'm just wondering how all you guys are holding up in all this shit. I'm looking for a job at the moment and I'm putting in applications and following up on others everyday and its a little disheartening. I don't have any money for bud and I can't smoke because I can't afford to not get hired because of a test. I'm just glad its spring time and planting season :weed:


Well-Known Member
Economic depression? i haven't heard a thing about this.

when did it happen?

seriously though, so far it hasn't effected me too much. i have lost the odd hour or two at work. but nothing major, yet.

hopefully it doesn't get any worse, i feel really bad for the people who have been hit hard.


it hasnt hit me too hard yet.... but then again, we are poor, so most likely wont feel as tight of a squeeze as the more affluent... but it has been hard finding employment...

from personal experience, i would say to jump on a temp agency... shouldnt take too long; once on with them, use your time in the workplace setting to find a more permanent, higher paying job


Active Member
its definately hit illinois i have family there and im in wyoming and we have the lowest unemployment rate in the u.s. i have noticed changes here and there and i'd expect it too become even more prevalent in the next 1-2 years. hopefully my first grow will help me subsidize the high cost around here for smoke because things are getting tight economically and maybe this situation will help further the home growers everywhere who will look to growing their own to save money like me :)


Well-Known Member
It hit Us Pretty Hard. The Biggest Thing was Losing ABX. That Alone Lost Around 6,000 Jobs In Ohio. Its Gottwn To the Point Around here If you Dont Have a Job, Plan on Not Having One Anytime Soon.


Active Member
alot of people losin work in h-town, not too bad YET. it is going to get worse before it gets better
just hope we can fix it before WWIII breaks out


New Member
Lot's of things are closing around here.

The mall always looks like employee cars only most of the time. I notice a lot less cars on the road compared to a year or 2 ago. Even just driving around town, not as many people out and about.