ecoplus air pumps... do they always reek of oil???


I just got an eco AIR1 that I was planning to use to replace my topfin brand air pump. It's the 18/w 38lpm model.

I was shocked how much it reeked like engine oil even before opening the box. The pump isn't too loud and looks like it performs great, but the air coming out of the outlet is NASTY stinking of pure engine oil.

I am planning to use it for my DWC Habanaro grow.

Will the smell fade if I just leave it plugged in somewhere in the garage for a few days?? Can the smell transfer any chemical substances into the DWC res which could harm the plants?


Well-Known Member
If its new, it wont be uncommon for there to be a little lube on moving parts. I havent taken one a part myself, just its common practice in manufacturing in general. These oils should "burn off" after running for a little while, I wont say with any expertise, but the odor shouldnt harm your plants.