EEK! I hurt my strongest sprout. What should I do to prevent harm :(


Active Member
So i was fucking around and I accidentally dropped the door to the box into the sprouts. The door is probably 3-4 pounds and didn't land directly on the sprout and fell off.

The thing is, all the sprouts look ok. Except my favorite. When i looked in the box immediately after some of its roots had been unearthed. They were light green. (probably because they were at the top of the soil), they looked healthy. The plant was 90* turned as if it broke., I reset it in the grogen and its upright. Its only been 5 minutes but has anyone had expirience with this.

Sprout is about and inch tall and its wingspan is probably the same. It has the first new growth coming from the center maybe a mm tall.

I feel as if it should recover. Any tell tale signs I should watch out for in the next 24 - 72 hours.

Its my favorite and I KNOW its gotta be fem :)


Active Member
well first off dumb ass we all do this some time or another so get over it, let it be it will prally make it if any thing get it straight if it bent 90* or more if its only a little bent it will straighten out its self,

Ill assume you arnt giving it any nutes good job on that, water as needed good job on that, a cfl will make it grow straight so put a cfl atleast 4 inches over it now.

next time we need more details.


Active Member
seen your vid push the root gently into the rockwool.
Thanks for checking out the vid :)
I was actually recording a new one when this happened. Its uploading now. the sprouts are huge in comparison.

Thanks for the reasonable reply too :)

BTW: a dumbass is not one of ignorance. he is one that has had the time to choose ignorance or knowledge and chooses ignorance. This is my first grow; I searched nearly 6 sites up and down gathering all the info I could and still I have a abundance of questions as I'm sure you once did. Maybe one day I will be calling a sad guy who just wants some smoke a dumbass. ;) just fyi