Effing Light stayed on two hours extra


Well-Known Member
Fucking shiat. One of my three 1000 watt lamps stayed on two additional hours today. I am three weeks into veg right now, was going to induce flowering in about four-five days. Am I going to have a problem on my hands? I know probably a bunch of threads have been posted like this, but I'd like to hear people's experiences from the past.

Yesterday we had a power problem and the lights stayed off two additional hours, and then today one of the three lamps stayed *on* two extra hours. What can be done to remedy this situation if anything? I figured best thing was turn off the lights and resume regular lighting cycle. Am I going to hermie? I figure it's probably more important during flowering, but I am now pretty damn worried.


Well-Known Member
i ain't stuck to my cycle 100%. couple of hours short/long here and there. not recomended tho lol. i've been very lucky. im almost at harvest now. no hermie so happy days. u should be ok to carry on as usuall.


Well-Known Member
Adding to my original post, should the lights be altered from here or should the normal 18.6 be put into place? I am real concerned but curious if I should alter it in anyway to prevent hermies... or just get it back to the way it was supposed to be and dont fuck it up again?


Well-Known Member
you will be fine just redo regular regimine. its not a big deal if they stay on too long during veg as some people use 24 hour light on thier veging clones


Well-Known Member
Right, but the other lights were off so technically the plants under the other two lights were receiving light while in their "night" cycle. I am praying its not a problem

Micheal Kelso

Well-Known Member
You'll be fine, it isn't as important during the veg cycle. Just don't do it after you switch to 12/12, that's when you run the risk of "revegging" your plant.


Well-Known Member
Kick ass Avatar Michael... classic my friend. I hope you are right and I have no problems. I am fairly experienced with this stuff so I felt weird starting another thread about the same old stuff, but I guess I just needed some kind words.

Cross your fingers for me if you don't mind Michael. Oh, and tell that cat I'll bite him back.


Well-Known Member
like everyone is stating..during veg if you fuck up the light a little its not a problem like it would be for a plant in flower...this is when you run into hermies....just keep the light as normal for a week so the plants know shits all good then start flower...just my 2 tho


Well-Known Member
You think I need to wait an extra week before flowering because of the extra two hours huh? Interesting... I am hopeful to start flowering in like 4-5 days...I will see how they act in the next few.


Well-Known Member
Yeah........ bad advice. The veg stage does not matter at all. Just because the other lights were off doesn't mean anything. The plants need complete darkness to flower and 1 1000w light only 5 feet away is certainly NOT darkness; you have absolutely nothing to worry about.