Eh,... Leaves Drooping And Sagging??


Active Member
Ok so im a walking vagina when it comes to growing pot.... i was bored one day...and figured hey... instead of throwing all these seeds out..why dont i do something with them....well its been about 3 weeks...and i have 3 plants.... i use 2 cut in half 5 gallon milk jugs for them [ yea i know. im poor ] My oldest plant just recently started looking strange...the leaves are all starting to ...sag i guess... and kind of curl downward....the very very tips of them are a slight yellow....and.. whatever the little.."flap" things..near where the leaves begin...are also a yellow [ Flap things..a technical term..ahem.. ]
thats the best picture i could take with my cruddy camera phone ... any ideas? everything ive read already...says "it could be could be underwatering.. it could be could be over-nuted.. (?? ) or yadda i said.. im a novice here..if anybody could help me out..ill have your child.... oh further furthermore...the plant is about.. id say 3 inches using a 2 ft fluorescent...and a CFL.. unsure of the wattage on those...the cfl is the one thats the "equivalent of 60 watt incand. ...and i wanna say that fluoro is 15w??? thanks again for putting up with reading this. and feel free to flame on about my crappy set up


Well-Known Member
they dont look to be on the brink of death. listien to the Holy Mogie. you will do just fine.


Active Member
tell me what works for you if you find anything because my leaves are doing the same thing and my 1 plant is just a bit smaller then yours. hopefully its in the genetics and its just some chronic bud lol
To me it looks like OVERWATERING.Damn thing it is...i had the same problem ending with killing three generations of my plants,but now its okay.Anyway water once or twice at much a week and they ll be fine


Well-Known Member
This thread is about old a isht, and im sure you've already gotten whatever sort of harvest that you could from the low wattage on the lights, but...I think it could be a little nute burn, and maybe a bit of overwatering. For future reference you should know that the root system has to have time to dry out before being fed again, and most cheaper nutrients I wouldn't even use half of the recommended doses(and be sure to work you way up to that). If you have any pics of what the plant looked like any farther inits life that would be pretty cool, I would like to see how it did. Also for reference, its highly recommended that each plant receive at least 100 watts per plant(weather that be HIDs or flouros). Im sure this isn't any help now but maybe it will help you or someone else looking for answers. Props for giving it a go with what you had though.