EJ Just for Coir - Should I bubble?


Active Member
Hi Guys, I've decided to make the jump to coir and I really can't find much info on the Earth Juice Just for Coir line. I've been growing in soil for the past two years and hydro for 11 before that and coir seems like the perfect combo of the two. I've been using the Earth Juice "Big 5" for soil and I've been mixing then bubbling for 24 hours to stabilize ph. I have color confusion so the ph strips don't get it for me and I no longer have a working ph pen and don't want to buy another one so I was wondering if any of y'all have used Just for Coir and if you got the same big swings in ph you get with the big 5 line if you don't bubble it. Thanks in advance!
Hi Guys, I've decided to make the jump to coir and I really can't find much info on the Earth Juice Just for Coir line. I've been growing in soil for the past two years and hydro for 11 before that and coir seems like the perfect combo of the two. I've been using the Earth Juice "Big 5" for soil and I've been mixing then bubbling for 24 hours to stabilize ph. I have color confusion so the ph strips don't get it for me and I no longer have a working ph pen and don't want to buy another one so I was wondering if any of y'all have used Just for Coir and if you got the same big swings in ph you get with the big 5 line if you don't bubble it. Thanks in advance!
Your in the land of compost and worm bins in here...
Mustang - Thanks for being nice about it! After messing with this stuff I'm not even sure it's organic. After bubbling 24 hours I had no foamy bubbles on top, no "sludge" for lack of a better word on my air wand - no microbial growth whatsoever. Which pretty much screams synthetic in my experience. I'll see if I can find some info in the hydro section. Just so you know, I'm not a complete philistine. I've done several forms of hydro, what I call "bottle organic", and real organic supersoil water only grows. I enjoy learning and I enjoy pretty much everything marijuana so I combine the two.

My wife truly hates this, all things insect, bug, or worm really.wormz.jpg