Electric wiring question

so, what effect will I see from this set-up by not utilizing the full driver cap?

2 cobs per 185H-C1400,, running at 1400 uses 150 watts, or 75% of the driver
If you are running on 115 VAC then 75% load is only going to cost a couple of percentage points at most. Efficiency does not drop under 90 until you get around 50% of max load.
thanks nfhiggs,

ok, another question.

can i use a pot for fan control speed? these things move alot of air, and loudish.

I have a 100K pots,

probably not, huh. Using the meanwell LPV20-12
That depends on the pot, but it is probably a quarter Watt jobby that won't take much current.
If you know how many volts and amps the fan pulls, you can calculate a fixed resistor value to say, cut it in half or whatever and wire up a simple two-way switch.
ok, what size fuse should i be using in my switch?


so, 2xHLG-185H-C1400B
4 luminus cobs,
4 fans,
1 meanwell small driver, 20watter.

Got everything hooked up just need to make sure what size fuse i should use. 2 amp didnt work,lol. It worked with 1 driver, but not both, fuse popped. I changed the drivers around, just to make sure the wiring was right, and they worked perfectly, but just not with 2 HLGs at the same time.
ok, what size fuse should i be using in my switch?


so, 2xHLG-185H-C1400B
4 luminus cobs,
4 fans,
1 meanwell small driver, 20watter.

Got everything hooked up just need to make sure what size fuse i should use. 2 amp didnt work,lol. It worked with 1 driver, but not both, fuse popped. I changed the drivers around, just to make sure the wiring was right, and they worked perfectly, but just not with 2 HLGs at the same time.

200 watt drivers so 400 watts total divide your voltage into that so 400 divided by 110 would roughly be a 4 amp fuse for 110 volts and 2 amp fuse for 220 volts.