electricians help needed.


Well-Known Member
The only plug i have in the area im using, is the plug for the washer and dryer. they are both 110 units. They are on a 60 amp breaker. could i pull power i need off that circuit for a setup? Or should i run a new line over from the box?

My set up would be...
- 400w digital ballest with 430w HPS bulb
- 3 computer fans using cell phone charger cords
- 2 small fans
- 1 4" inline exhaust fan
- 6-8 cfls

Im starting from seeds, so not all that would be running from the start. any help would be great.


Active Member
I dont really understand the question, are you creating another plug off that amp?? or just using the outlet?

Creating another plug would be a no, if you wished to use the existing plug you would not be able to run your washer/dryer and your set up at the same time without probaly tripping the breaker....remember breakers dont trip at there max..they trip at 80%


Well-Known Member
You could put a junction box before the power gets to the washer/dryer plugs(which I assume are the heavy duty type)and you would have tons of power,but soon as either of those machines turned on you'd probably trip the breaker.Could set up your timing so lights off = laundry time.


Well-Known Member
ahh shit.. ill just have to run a new line for it. i can snake the line over very easy


New Member
im a certified electrician and what your telling me makes no sence... 60 amp breaker is not 110 its 220 unless you live outside the USA.... run a new 20 amp line dwsignated for your grow....good luck...


New Member
if you have a free spot in your panel...its quite easy..... ill dig up a tutorial i gave someone a few weeks back... ill post it here...it takes to long to explain....brb...