Electricity fears

Im currently spending about £70 on top of my regular £30 top up per week on electricity.. So thats about £100 a week.. Do you think that will raise any eyebrows with the electric company or police?


Well-Known Member
Why would they care? They are in business to make money, you think they're going to call the cops because you are giving them too much? That's a bit silly. People who get busted on power usage are really stupid. They're using 30kw one day the next they're using 500kw. That's a bit odd.


Well-Known Member
People are so silly your power company is going to love you, michigan this year hit it's largest usage of power of the entire time ever recorded, I bet it was due to all the MMMP + tons of new growers and TONS of cooling units, My bill is going to be from 90 a month to about 400 and it will be around 700 or more a month just for the electricity a month. :>
At least we get free a/c cooling from the cold weather, I will be taking advantage of this big time.


Active Member
Im currently spending about £70 on top of my regular £30 top up per week on electricity.. So thats about £100 a week.. Do you think that will raise any eyebrows with the electric company or police?
Think of it this way mate, during summer or winter old people have they're leccy fires burning 2 bars or 3 and your talking at least 800 to 1200watt for that and they burn them all day with tv on washing machines and all that so as longs as you arnt doing a whole house you will be fine.