electricity spikes... hmmm should I worry?


So im workin on this setup, post pics later, but as far as law enforcement, do they ever check this website ? or if they see your power go up at 8am and down at 8pm? only using or i think ill only be using a 400w lamp and a few fans.. any help or exp?

thanks!! im new here btw, been a member but never posted...so on that note... whats good fella's..:joint:


Well-Known Member
I keep my lights off in the house, any computers, home theatre stereo, anything thats drains power, turn it off while your plant is in the daylight cycle.. Then when the timer goes off, your lights that are draining power go off, and you can turn all that stuff in your house back on..


yeah, I thought of that approach too... just gathering as much intel as i can... most people on here seem VERY knowledgable.. and THANK YOU for your post, its appreciated.

any more suggestions or info?


Well-Known Member
If it's a small grow, i wouldn't even worry about it.
I'm not sure they have the man power to check
everyones usage to spot suspected growers.
Interesting to see if that would even rise to the
level of probable cause?
Who's to say it's not your backyard
flood lights going off and on at dusk and dawn.