Electrics setup for 3x3x6 tent? 4 CFL + 1 LED


Active Member
Hey guys, I'm growing one plant in a 3x3, the tent is arriving tomorrow and I'm thinking about what hardware I need, mainly concerning the 4 CFL that I realized I should run parallel with the LED.

I think it might be good to have them in each corner of the tent about mid height.

Should I just get 4 pendant light fixtures and route them to a power strip outside the tent? I could zip tie them to the tent's PVC framing, though they'd probably angle inward...

I'm trying to keep my electronics mostly external so I can mist to keep humidity up since my climate is pretty dry right now.

Any ideas are appreciated, thanks!



Well-Known Member
looks alright.
Lack of humidity has never been a problem for me here in Colorado (high plains desert), if you add humidity you run the risk of inducing problems like mold/mildew, and insects like gnats.