Electro magnetic lights


Active Member
Ok so the other day I was on reading about some kind of industrial light that uses electro magnets to excit the gas. Now I cannot find that thread I was looking at if anyone knows off the top of their head who posted it I would like to subscribe to it. Thanks
Sorry for being a pud!! Lmao


Active Member
Its probably out there and there's someone who doesnt want it coming out. Utility companies would hate to see free energy come out, just do a youtube search on free magnetic energy. Or this link for a great youtube video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aGNLVrbvqZE
"A Zero point magnetic power generator is basically a Free Energy Generator. It uses magnets, and magnetic force to induce perpetual motion. It runs by itself, indefinitely without stopping, thus creating completely free electrical energy, which can fully power your home for free. A Perpetual motion device refers to a machine that runs perpetually i.e. indefinitely, and produces a larger amount of energy than it consumes. Thus, it produces free energy indefinitely, runs by itself, without having to need a third-party device or resource to power it. "
"The free energy devices have been suppressed by the corporate world, because such devices, would allow people to create their own energy for free, which would ultimately shut down the big energy corporations, because people won't need to pay anymore for electricity to fill their pockets."


Active Member
Thanks guys, I found the thread I was looking for. Aparently they are called induction lights or electrode less lights. I just couldn't remember the name and had no idea how I was gonna dig thru 9,000 posts to find it.
Anyway happy growin'!!!


Well-Known Member
ahhh we should be so lucky. but add a blunt and a babe and I shall close my eyes with a smile on my face.

I bet he never had a clue that we'd find alternative uses for his lighting.