eletric stove toking

Hi there
I mainly toke hash using a self contained hot kinifing method
This method uses the less weed and enables me to give 15 - 20 uses out of a gram of hash.
I heat knife , grab the hash and put it inside a water jug with a hole open and then i toke.
I was thiking if i could get a glass straw i coudl put the piece of hash directly on the stove top and inhale the
smoke using the straw.
But im worried the smoke will be to harsh and i dont want to damage my lungs, but this
method almost vaporizes the weed and in theory you give great hits.
What do you guys htink or have you tried something like this?
Greets john


Well-Known Member
Some pots(the small stainless steel ones) come with glass lids that have a little steam hole in them. I think you could really benefit from that design for this type of smoking. contained and you can put the pot on and off the heat to control the rate of burn. Hmmmm...... I think I'll give this a whirl myself next time I've got something to smoke.

Dunnes has a 3 set for like 12 or 15 euros and if you aren't UK then i'm sure WallyWorld has something comparable.


  • Some pots(the small stainless steel ones) come with glass lids that have a little steam hole in them. I think you could really benefit from that design for this type of smoking. contained and you can put the pot on and off the heat to control the rate of burn. Hmmmm...... I think I'll give this a whirl myself next time I've got something to smoke.

    Dunnes has a 3 set for like 12 or 15 euros and if you aren't UK then i'm sure WallyWorld has something comparable.


thats a good idea , that would be akin to vaporizing right?
I was thinking of just puting the hash on the stove top and inhale it with a straw
but that would be harsher than your method
I tried it today .
My mother found m bong stash so i didnt have anthing to smoke out and m lighter was broke.
I tried to put the hash piece directl on the stovE but this doenst work you have to let it heat ffor about 4 minutes.
Then use your glass straw to hover the hash piece and inhale the smoke burning the whole piece.
Its a good method to use when you dont haver your piece.
If you dont want harsh smoke just heat up the hash piece , turn off the stove when its pouring smoke.
The you will be able to burn the piece using the straw
Im pretty baked now.
Electric stove Toking
How I do it, Usually there's me & my bf. So this is a 2-person method, but I'll show ya how to do it alone, too.
You're right, it takes A LOT less weed. I like how it's a lot like a shot-taking method (as opposed to just drinking a beer casually).
You get the hits ready to go, on a plate. Just a note, plastic devours terpins! You can always razor some kief off a good sushi plate.
Heat up the stove WITH 2 (butter) knives. (preferably plastic handles, the metal ones get pretty hot)
The butter knives should have the tips placed in between the coil of the stove (handles off, so u can grab em in your hands)
Place ur hit on bottom knife, then take the hot part of the top knife &bring it down onto the hit.
There-by compressing a small hit of green in-between 2 hot knives (vaporizing a hit).

What I use to collect the smoke, is made with an empty coke bottle (I do a 20oz) you can just cut the bottom of the bottle out &inhale from the pour spout... as smoke is rising into your "device". That's using "the device" dry method.

You can *freeze* 'the device' for smoother hits. Which involves filling "the device" w/water, &first putting straws through the pour spout, then putting something in the straws so they wont flood w/water (like tack or putty) .....but i can talk more about this later, if you really wanna know