Elite Kings Genetics Chem 91 bx something or nother.


Well-Known Member
Ok don't let the title fool you I mean the man zero disrespect. Right now I'm taking first sample (Okay god dammit 5th sample) and I think we are at the point where we have enough cure to get a accurate reading on the performance of this weed. I'll be honest I haven't been this high in I can't remember how long. Seriously bro's I'm fucking ripped!!

Smoking the #15 she took me to a 9 on everything I love about smoking weed and nothing I hate! My head wants to explode into big smiles and my eyes are squinty. I'm really fucking high and it's amazing how I feel. Everything just went up a notch since I started typing. My body is floating and I cant stop grinning. This is really nice. I'm one who can get a little antsy on racy weed and this has non of that. I'm going the speed limit maybe a mile or five over. Lol I'm not driving Im typing just trying to illustrate.

Seriously I'd stake my non existent reputation on recommending this strain. No bullshit it's everything I say it is or at least to me. However this dude has gone silent. His site is down and I can't find a way to contact him. If anybody knows I'd appreciate a chance to thank him and maybe buy a few more seeds.

If you are out there reading this brother it's everything you said it was.THANKS!
Did you grow the super va or the bx...I grew the super va and it was exceptional...I bought 3 packs of the bx which is back crossed one more time to the va clone
Did you grow the super va or the bx...I grew the super va and it was exceptional...I bought 3 packs of the bx which is back crossed one more time to the va clone
Bought 2 packs of the bx and he sent me a 3rd. I still have 30 seeds and No Joke this hits everything for me. It's kinda like the first time I ever got laid. There may be something better but what I just experienced was nothing short of amazing. The main bubble seems to lasts about an hour but feels like more. Kinda time warpy. I'm still feeling stellar though it has come a little more in focus. Read that as still feeling great and head is still bobbling though less chaotic. Very Nice!
I ran pack of bx, 6 females, was nothing worth a second look and only one had any similarity to chem 91 but all were weak in comparison to my glues, chems, and all my true keepers. EKG was selling his company last i talk to him.
I ran pack of bx, 6 females, was nothing worth a second look and only one had any similarity to chem 91 but all were weak in comparison to my glues, chems, and all my true keepers. EKG was selling his company last i talk to him.
Not doubting you but what I just run out was pretty nice in everything but bag appeal. A little ratty looking after dry and cure but really nice buzz.

I have no idea what the real thing looks like as I've never seen it. What i have seen is a year of other breeders offerings that couldn't get me here. Not saying they were all garbage just saying they didnt get me here.

I'll stand on my original statement. It amazed me and that doesnt happen as often as I might like.
Not doubting you but what I just run out was pretty nice in everything but bag appeal. A little ratty looking after dry and cure but really nice buzz.

I have no idea what the real thing looks like as I've never seen it. What i have seen is a year of other breeders offerings that couldn't get me here. Not saying they were all garbage just saying they didnt get me here.

I'll stand on my original statement. It amazed me and that doesnt happen as often as I might like.
Its all good. I had high hopes for them but in the end were mediocre compared to what i usually run. I run genetic test tents and hand out 2g samples of each to multiple testers and everybody agreed nothing was worth a second run.
Did you grow the super va or the bx...I grew the super va and it was exceptional...I bought 3 packs of the bx which is back crossed one more time to the va clone
Yep that's my understanding of the breeding as well. I would have tried the super VA as well, but they were out of stock at the time. I saved out 2 females for another look I also have 2 healthy males waiting in the wind.