Elve8 seeds r bad and bad customer service


New Member
Hello I just got 3 packs of 6 elve8 seeds in Canada I was so excited I have not Bought new genetics in a long time then I got them put them to germinate and in 2 days I got 2 seeds out of 18 then another 4 days I got 7 more I planted them only 2 came up week went by with nothing so I call them and they were good they sent me new seeds asap and I put them to germinate and got 7 out of 18 only 5 came up so out of 36 seeds I got 7 gelato 33 I got 2 of 12 runtz of eden I got 4 of 12 and purple punch I got 1 of 12 not happy and the second time I tried them I put some of my own seeds beside them to c if it was me and my seeds r 9 years old with 100% germination so I call again and they just told me to fuck off DO NOT BUY ELVe8 SEEDS they suck