Emergency!! They might know!!


Well-Known Member
Ok RIU listen up PLEASE!!

I was going to look at the trichs on my lady and I saw Land surveyor people about 100 ft down the way.... As they were walkin back to where ever, they might have seen my ladies in FULL FLOWER!!

They are:

-50% clear/50% milky
-In ground
-have two weeks left
-Just started flushing w/ molasses TODAY!

My plan is to only flush for this next week not the full two and get them out of there even if it means less buds, n potency...Somethings better then nothing!!

My questions are :

Is there any way to speed up flushing?

Will 7-9 days be good enough If I water them with molasses once a day w/ small amounts of molasses?



Well-Known Member
Yeah, if they saw them, they might plan on ripping them off... BUT maybe they DIDN'T see em. Wouldn't it be great if you could just let them finish? Are the plants in pots? If so, the chances of the guys having seen them are much better... but if they aren't in pots... then maybe you should go ahead and let them finish. I don't think theres a way to speed up flushing. I'd just play it by ear for right now and avoid doing anything drastic. Try to go back as often as possible and check out the scene. If everything looks normal... them maybe you could talk yourself into leaving them to finish out.


Well-Known Member
is there only one lady or Ladies... if so, i wouldnt take a chance unless they were 100 feet away from them, they didn't see anything. they are hourly workers who are only into the contour of the landscape and not plants.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the reply!....No they are in ground and I kinda set up a camoflauge barrier with tree branches n crap around the two but their little heads pop out and make it somewhat noticable...

I was going to flush w/ molasses for 14 days but now im REALLY second guessing that and most likely going to flush between 7-9 days....

Would it be okay to water every day with small amounts of molasses? Will 7-9 days be enough time if i do it that way?

Thanks again!!


Well-Known Member
is there only one lady or Ladies... if so, i wouldnt take a chance unless they were 100 feet away from them, they didn't see anything. they are hourly workers who are only into the contour of the landscape and not plants.
Im only really worried about one...Theres somewhat of a camoflauge barrier around her but shes still kinda notciable...When they were walking back..(on the train tracks) They walked right past her but i couldnt see if they looked that way or not(too busy stuck in the thorns on my hands n knees rambo style)...

Shes about 10-15 ft to the side of the train tracks and they walked right past the area...



Well-Known Member
ANybody????...Is it okay to flush for only 7-9 days?!

Should i use water n molasses for the first half of the days then use plain water??

+rep for all of you...


Well-Known Member
Well i checked the trichs again and i saw about 5% amber, 65%cloudy, and 30% clear... I think im just going to risk at least 7 days before i harvest...they still wont be ready but im hopin they'll still be there...


Well-Known Member
if they are gonna be gone they will be gone in the next 3 days
the surveyors are either scheming there attack right now or they didnt notice them

or they dont blaze but saw them and tell the cops, which would piss me off the most
but if u wanna take the risk go for it, i dunno what i would do i would have had to been there like u were


Well-Known Member
FUCK...i hate to say it but ur right... Its like im 70% sure they DIDNT see her but then again im not completely sure... think im just going to water with molasses for about 4-5 days straight real early in the morning with a ski mask or something just incae the cops are involved and they set up some trip cams... Im just so pissed right now!!


Well-Known Member
yea man that really sucks, but i mean if they walked right past it and never even started talking between each other didn't look suspicious i'd be inclined to think they didn't see em, but then again you were the one that was there, and needs to make the decision about what to do.

good luck either way


Well-Known Member
yea man that really sucks, but i mean if they walked right past it and never even started talking between each other didn't look suspicious i'd be inclined to think they didn't see em, but then again you were the one that was there, and needs to make the decision about what to do.

good luck either way
Thanks man...I mean im so tempted to cut em right now but i know they still have about 2 weeks left..They didnt stop or ne thing so im leaning towards they didnt see them...But maybe they did n just acted casual n ddidnt stop?? Either way i think my choice is going to be water them with small amounts of molasses everday for the next 4-5 days to get SOME of the chems out then do the karate chop


Well-Known Member
just my opinion, i think if your plants make it another 7-9 days you should just let them finish, if they weren't messed with by then, you're probably cool. but you know the situation better than anyone. BE CAREFULL!!!!!


Well-Known Member
If you have more then one, then chop one for insurance and let the rest finish.
Thats what im gonna do..i have 5..but only one is close enough to being ready..and thats the one im gonna chop...it has about 20 branches with HUGE colas on it and the rest are kinda small..

just my opinion, i think if your plants make it another 7-9 days you should just let them finish, if they weren't messed with by then, you're probably cool. but you know the situation better than anyone. BE CAREFULL!!!!!
Thats what I was thinking..but do i wanna risk those days is the question im stuck with...I NEED to at least flush for 5 more days then i think im gonna chop..if they are still there by weds. then im gonna leave them until Friday to chop to give them about a 10 day flush..


Well-Known Member
I say just keep up with your flushing regimen for the next week. I would agree that If nothing has happened by then that your probably fine. Your girls should be fine after a week of flushing and no chemicals should be present.

What I always try and remember is that not everyone is looking for crops growing in the bushes. I know for me personally that everywhere I go I always think, "Oh, that would be a good spot to grow" or "Smells like weed, someone must be growing."

Just remember that not everyone is looking for plants. Most people don't even know what they look like. Shit, I only think about growing and looking for plants because I am growing and do smoke. :)


Well-Known Member
Yea thats very true...Thats what i was thinking about as well...If they dont smoke n shit then its not like they are gonna be like...hmmm thats looks like a marijuana plant!!..

But haha im the same way when i look around too...m always critizing places to grow n not to grow where ever i go...

n is it just me or does everything always look like a big nug? Like treees n bushes n shit?? haha


Well-Known Member
Yea thats very true...Thats what i was thinking about as well...If they dont smoke n shit then its not like they are gonna be like...hmmm thats looks like a marijuana plant!!..

But haha im the same way when i look around too...m always critizing places to grow n not to grow where ever i go...

n is it just me or does everything always look like a big nug? Like treees n bushes n shit?? haha
Exactly. Got these bamboo forests along the road and they look like huge 10ft colas just hanging everywhere. Always makes me smile when I see it.

Totally on the same page with this one.