Well-Known Member
I realised I haven't posted this on this site and figured the least I could do after winning the @Phlizon LED Grow Light contest is elaborate on what I meant by making sure you emulsify oils before mixing them as pesticides. I snapped these awhile ago when I mixing up my weekly spray of neem oil, potassium bicarbonate (aka KHCO3) and soap. I find it's an effective all round pesticide that controls bugs with the neem oil and PM through the KHCO3. After reading a study about how a carrier oil increase the efficacy of KHCO3 I decided to add it to the neem oil and haven't looked back. So to be clear I haven't read anything about neem and KHCO3 specifically, which means it's purely anecdotal. Regardless, whatever oil you're using you'd follow the same steps, so pitter patter lets get at 'er.

Everything we need: neem oil (or whichever you're using), measuring spoons, container for mixing, soap (ideally not dish soap, a natural castille soap like Dr Bronners is less phytotoxic, but you use what's on hand in a pinch) and a spray bottle/pressurized sprayer. Plus of course the KHCO3 if you're so inclined

Next we measure out the neem oil, I use 7.5ml per liter but as neem oil can be pretty variable it's never a bad idea to experiment as I've talked to people who use almost twice as much. If I am dealing with an infestation then I'll bump in up to 10ml and haven't seen any phytotoxicity.

Next we add the soap or emulsifier if you're using something else, in this pick I added a light teaspoon (probably 3-4ml) although I'd usually add 5ml when using Dr Bronners.

Now the crucial step, we mix until the oil changes into a homogeneous texture which will be a thicker consistency as the glob on the side demonstrates (although don't expect that necessarily).

Finally we add KCHO3 (3.75-5ml per liter) if you're using it, warm water and shake vigorously. You'll notice the oil is in an even suspension in the water instead of pooled on top which is inevitable when you just pour the oil, soap and water together then shake. Without emulsifying the oil with soap first it won't mix with the water, which leads to uneven application and poor results. Done properly you'll have a consistent mix that doesn't separate right away (although giving it a shake between plants is always a good plan) and will leave an even coating over the leaves instead of noticeable blotches of shiny/oily parts. A key point to remember is to always test a spray for phytotoxicity before spraying your garden, some plants (I'm looking at you Guatamalan x Honduras) are much more sensitive and may react poorly compared to the average girl.
Hope that's clear and makes sense, don't hesitate to ask any question if I need to clarify anything. Hopefully it helps some people after the generous Phlizon giveaway dropped the perfect light in my lap just when needed.
Cheers and keep it green.

Everything we need: neem oil (or whichever you're using), measuring spoons, container for mixing, soap (ideally not dish soap, a natural castille soap like Dr Bronners is less phytotoxic, but you use what's on hand in a pinch) and a spray bottle/pressurized sprayer. Plus of course the KHCO3 if you're so inclined

Next we measure out the neem oil, I use 7.5ml per liter but as neem oil can be pretty variable it's never a bad idea to experiment as I've talked to people who use almost twice as much. If I am dealing with an infestation then I'll bump in up to 10ml and haven't seen any phytotoxicity.

Next we add the soap or emulsifier if you're using something else, in this pick I added a light teaspoon (probably 3-4ml) although I'd usually add 5ml when using Dr Bronners.

Now the crucial step, we mix until the oil changes into a homogeneous texture which will be a thicker consistency as the glob on the side demonstrates (although don't expect that necessarily).

Finally we add KCHO3 (3.75-5ml per liter) if you're using it, warm water and shake vigorously. You'll notice the oil is in an even suspension in the water instead of pooled on top which is inevitable when you just pour the oil, soap and water together then shake. Without emulsifying the oil with soap first it won't mix with the water, which leads to uneven application and poor results. Done properly you'll have a consistent mix that doesn't separate right away (although giving it a shake between plants is always a good plan) and will leave an even coating over the leaves instead of noticeable blotches of shiny/oily parts. A key point to remember is to always test a spray for phytotoxicity before spraying your garden, some plants (I'm looking at you Guatamalan x Honduras) are much more sensitive and may react poorly compared to the average girl.
Hope that's clear and makes sense, don't hesitate to ask any question if I need to clarify anything. Hopefully it helps some people after the generous Phlizon giveaway dropped the perfect light in my lap just when needed.
Cheers and keep it green.