End of flush feeding. Ooops!


Well-Known Member
Here's one for ya. Two weeks since last regular feeding (Floranova), one week since last Overdrive feeding, plants were accidentally fed today with mid-strength Floranova bloom. I was going to start harvesting as of tomorrow. Cut them fast and maybe they haven't absorbed much?? Or is it cause to reflush (please no...)?


bud bootlegger
flushing around here is a hotly debated topic, but to save you post after post of people on one side saying this, and people on the other saying thus, i have found flushing to be more of a myth than anything based remotely in science, and you should be just fine not flushing them. just make sure you dry them nice and slow and give them a prooper cure..
also, if you have more than one plant and are up for an experiment, flush one, and don't flush the second, slow dry, cure, smoke and compare.. i'm pretty sure you'll come to the same result as a lot of us, that it's the dry and cure that gives the bud what the flushing crowd says flushing does..

hellmutt bones

Well-Known Member
I too would recommend as racerboy said to do two plants. Flush one for 2 weeks and feed the other till harvest and you can see for yourself. I would suggest flushing but thats just me.


Well-Known Member
Yep, good idea. I'll do that. Might even harvest top buds and flush/ripen lower buds for another week or two. They are pretty ripe though.

Have done all the reading on the flush/don't flush debate too, it seems to me that the particular nutes used, strength of feeding, state of plants, etc would all have an influence on the need to flush or not. I can imagine heavy feeding of 20-20-20 with some generic plant food in plants that were not growing quickly would be different than light feedings of organics or more tailored nutes in healthy fast growing plants.


Well-Known Member
So as to not open the can of worms of to flush or not to flush, let's say for the sake of argument I believe in flushing (I did just do a two week flush after all, though don't always).

The key point is how much nutrient will have been uptaken into the plant material, and would it be enough to affect the smoke noticeably. I'm guessing not much, and I am on the fence about flushing anyways. Anybody have experience with this?

hellmutt bones

Well-Known Member
So as to not open the can of worms of to flush or not to flush, let's say for the sake of argument I believe in flushing (I did just do a two week flush after all, though don't always).

The key point is how much nutrient will have been uptaken into the plant material, and would it be enough to affect the smoke noticeably. I'm guessing not much, and I am on the fence about flushing anyways. Anybody have experience with this?
Yes I have... but do as you like.. the only true way of knowing is to do either one or the other..


Well-Known Member
Yes I have... but do as you like.. the only true way of knowing is to do either one or the other..
This is the best advise, and way to decide for yourself. ALL anyone can give you on this subject is opinion/preference. Do what works for you. Use it all as a learning experience.

I use an IV to do localized/isolated flushing.:blsmoke:

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
most of what people want to get rid of are the salts that the plant NEVER absorbs. the nutrients are bonded to the salts, the plant absorbs the nutrient ions from the salts, that should then be washed out of the pot, during the growing process. you shouldn't ever let those salts build up, they have no use after they've given up their nutrient ions, and in fact are poisonous to the plant in high concentrations. the only thing thats ever there to flush out are those salts. you can't wash the nute ions out of the plant once they're in there, all you can do is starve your plant when it needs nutes most