End of the world, we all got jobs :)


Well-Known Member
Worst case scenario civilization collapses, now its different clicks of people rolling together, little towns and shit establish there own laws, etc, without power, anything really we can all provide for ourselves and others in trade by growing mary jane, and vegtables that are closely related. we eat, and we smoke, and trade our skills and fruits to others for what we cannot obtain ourselves, so without violence, we can live on. Although im sure there would be violence, it gives me peace of mind around this current american economy that i can still do something.

Im willing to bet if you asked an average high school kid to tell you how to tend to plants they would have no idea... The couple of stoner kids that attempted to grow would be the best off kids in the pack... lol :leaf:


Well-Known Member

at this point the man that can make medicine from bread mold and the one that can turn corn into some decent drinking shine or even fuel is set ............ i say u make as much as u saftey can grow it (autos are the best turn around ) get yourself some free smoke ....some smoke u can pass out at a party or 3 and then sell the rest of it safety and stock up on ammo and invest in a bow / learning how to use a sword .......................paper money is crap once u get your supplies u buy silver ingots and coins .......gems are good too ...............and the most important of them all gather info on everything (personally i have a libary of more then 10,000 books set on zip drive with a tablet and a wind up charge seal up in electro bag to protect it from shocks and dust good for emp and nmp)............if i have to i can redo anything medical weapons engines mathmatics everything took me 3 and half years

figure with the weather this year the crop fail will be very high so this means more beef and milk cattle kilt off do to the high cost of feeding them....the market will flood with beef and leather will drop and then the cost of food goes up and with them using 15% of the total amount for fuel that is even less food

soictiey is only 3 meals away from sheer mad max/dooms day type of shit...............u get hungery enough u will do anything u can to eat


Well-Known Member
amen lol, ive been gun less for almost 2 years now, gotta get one soon. feel naked without some steel jammed in my side.


Well-Known Member
If we have to rely on honey bo boo to provide us medication were all fucked.
we are all fucked now .........i admit i am not as old as some of u out there and little older then alot of u but i can not rem anything washington has done right in my entire life time 1979 ..............if clinton said yes i inhailed and it fucked me up maybe one but the rest of it is all chicken shit crap ............and can u tell me one time congress has done the right thing (that did not include them getting a pay bouns or a bunch of kickbacks and fat on bills/laws)


Well-Known Member
the sheer trouble of it is the system ..............u let your kids go to school and learn wrong from a young age they are taught to do what we say .....not to do what is right or to think for themself ................if u did not do it the way the teacher wanted u were wrong even tho the answer was right ...........if u did not double line space the writing and have atlest 20 pages u fail ............

i am sorry most ppl out there are mindless sheep staring at the ground so they do not trip just making it by in life ..............this is not the way it is ment to be and untill enough of the masses look up start thinking and demand better nothing is going to change

the entire history of us is based on one rule .............do what i say or i will hurt u .................we need more ppl ready to stand up and go no more this is wrong and stand the fucking ground ..........they did it in china with the tanks in the 80s

it will be our turn soon once they decide we can not trust u u can not think for yourself ...........this spying is only the tip of the iceburg


Well-Known Member
dude you are 100% fucking right about everything were all stuck in a perpetual fuck fest...

things start at ground zero, everything is great, jobs, economy, etc, boom... Economy starts declining because of banks and government, cost of living goes up, everyone is in a hurry to try and get money so they can simply survive, while they are robbed through the back door, there too busy trying to survive to fucking think... not enough people think, and out of those that think, not enough of them have the balls to do anything worth while. eventually a collapse of a greater proportion happens due to the rise in population at an ever increasing rate, so jobs are even more scarce, and food, etc.... each economic collapse will be of greater destruction than the one prior to it, because of this. Eventually we will fin ourselves on verge of collapse while the population is so high, and food and general living things are so fucking expensive it will REALLY cause mass genocide, and senseless killing in the name of survival.

The only way to really prevent this shit from happening, weather it is this collapse, then next, or so on and so fourth is for us as a people, an inhabitant of plant earth, to expand into the Galaxy in search of other worlds to inhabit. we will not stop growing, unless were all killed off, and we WILL run out of space, and resources for our species. The only solution is to migrate into the far reaches of space on crafts we can construct and make mobile city's that basically go in all directions looking for some Christopher Columbus shit. hell they should name the first of these crafts the mayflower. Ill be the first to join its ranks. We are eating through resources WAY TO FUCKING FAST TO STAY HERE.


Well-Known Member
If the first thing on your mind after civilization collapses is weed, you're going to be in the first line of people to go.


Well-Known Member
no we are doomed ............big ass war 7/8 of all of gone wiped out over 11 years earth completely wrecked .............this is when the fun starts this is the last chance
1 we all put aside the stuip crap that caused all this trouble
2 we make a set of rules that apply to everyone equally and fairly ....u rape muder steal ....u are kilt
3 we outlaw any hate speach any talk of i am better then that niger /chink /dot head /pung ab /towel head /slit eye .........u do that u are dead

it will take everyone left to even stand a chance of making the earth live able for anouther gen of humans ..................so we need each other and if we all can not grow as ppl and do what is right for the whole race of man then we die off and million years later insect life will be evoled and the next set to own this planet


Well-Known Member
If the first thing on your mind after civilization collapses is weed, you're going to be in the first line of people to go.
no the first thing in most of our minds is time to even the score kill as many assholes and make the world better while we can ..........smoke is just for down time there are more and more of us waking up every day and seeing what the world looks like and we make our notes of who is a good person and who is a asshole and part of the trouble

the meak do get the earth but first we clear out the idoits assholes and just plain old jackass that will cuase the problems all over again.......someday someone will take me out and i hope i am the last asshole to die so aleast i made sure there was none left ( i know i am a asshole/dickhead but i am one with morals and a code of ethics and conduct .....i have my good points i have my bad ones but in the end it is not for me to live i am to angery i would be a problem )

Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member
no the first thing in most of our minds is time to even the score kill as many assholes and make the world better while we can ..........smoke is just for down time there are more and more of us waking up every day and seeing what the world looks like and we make our notes of who is a good person and who is a asshole and part of the trouble

the meak do get the earth but first we clear out the idoits assholes and just plain old jackass that will cuase the problems all over again.......someday someone will take me out and i hope i am the last asshole to die so aleast i made sure there was none left ( i know i am a asshole/dickhead but i am one with morals and a code of ethics and conduct .....i have my good points i have my bad ones but in the end it is not for me to live i am to angery i would be a problem )
That sorta sounds like the way Hitler envisioned the world.


Well-Known Member
Worst case scenario civilization collapses, now its different clicks of people rolling together, little towns and shit establish there own laws, etc, without power, anything really we can all provide for ourselves and others in trade by growing mary jane, and vegtables that are closely related. we eat, and we smoke, and trade our skills and fruits to others for what we cannot obtain ourselves, so without violence, we can live on. Although im sure there would be violence, it gives me peace of mind around this current american economy that i can still do something.

Im willing to bet if you asked an average high school kid to tell you how to tend to plants they would have no idea... The couple of stoner kids that attempted to grow would be the best off kids in the pack... lol :leaf:
I'm willing to bet you could teach most any kid pretty well how to tend a variety of plants within a few weeks. Now imagine how many stoner kids know other languages, because that is much harder and is just as or maybe even more valuable depending on the situation. There is many skills to work on, and learning to properly tend most plants (except for a few like Osha haha) is just simple straightforward non-complicated sweet cake, and its very easy to get the drive to do it since you get high from it, like literally. If C++ was as easy as growing i would have a lot less bleeding eyes and pulled hair.


Well-Known Member
those ppl u see on the news are just plain weak willed ............they sawl they wanted to figth back they snapped did not know who was friend who was foe ............the truly sad thing is it will keep happening more and more and as it does ppl will give up more and more freedoms even fast the cycle to the end has started we are the witness and it is our job to watch learn understand it and then live make sure it is never repeated ..............break the freaking cycle we are in and grow as a ppl to something better

Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member
Worst case scenario civilization collapses, now its different clicks of people rolling together, little towns and shit establish there own laws, etc, without power, anything really we can all provide for ourselves and others in trade by growing mary jane, and vegtables that are closely related. we eat, and we smoke, and trade our skills and fruits to others for what we cannot obtain ourselves, so without violence, we can live on. Although im sure there would be violence, it gives me peace of mind around this current american economy that i can still do something.

Im willing to bet if you asked an average high school kid to tell you how to tend to plants they would have no idea... The couple of stoner kids that attempted to grow would be the best off kids in the pack... lol :leaf:
Sounds like life was in the 1950's.
People had jobs a good economic structure, lawns, kids and dogs.
Not all were growing/smoking pot but they knew how to grow veggie gardens and fix the car.

I know this isn't the political thread but I see people today not knowing
their head from thier ass.
The government hands them free shit while others go to work and lose the American dream.


Well-Known Member
hilter hated races and thought his was the best ..................there is no best we all have our traits but there are good ppl in all those cultures the ones that have nothing but still try to help and do the right things .........................u are a decent person or u are a asshole it just that simple the sex race color all that is just surface stuff

strip a human down 7 layers of skin and we are all the same pink

Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member
hilter hated races and thought his was the best ..................there is no best we all have our traits but there are good ppl in all those cultures the ones that have nothing but still try to help and do the right things .........................u are a decent person or u are a asshole it just that simple the sex race color all that is just surface stuff

strip a human down 7 layers of skin and we are all the same pink
Yes but what would be the process of eliminating these assholes?
Everyone would have their own processes.


Well-Known Member
That sorta sounds like the way Hitler envisioned the world.
actually it was enstine look at the world a logical one based on the idea that everyone is the same ....u do not harm me i do not harm u ....u need a hand i can help here u go .....infact that has been the dream of most of the ppl in history MLK is the best one and most recent one


Well-Known Member
Yes but what would be the process of eliminating these assholes?
Everyone would have their own processes.
that is where the war comes into it .............most of them are already gone do to there need for more/more power/more land/more food...............by the end of the whole thing if ppl can not see what is right and what is wrong then we might as well just silt our thoats then and there give the incests a jump start say 100 years


Well-Known Member
that is where the war comes into it .............most of them are already gone do to there need for more/more power/more land/more food...............by the end of the whole thing if ppl can not see what is right and what is wrong then we might as well just silt our thoats then and there give the incests a jump start say 100 years
Put the bong down