Endo' or Outdo' ?

C Smoke

Active Member
Greetings! My buddy is doin' well, It's name is Big Ben (though i'm pretty sure it's not male). And I've been growing it outside, letting it stretch its limbs to the sun to get a strong foundation (I live in Kentucky where the weather is pretty stable this time of year). I'm not worried about cops, they don't really come around my area and the neighbors are all cool about it (most are growing their own). I was wondering, all paranoidness aside, could I produce a more potent plant indoor, or outdoor? If it doesn't matter, what are some factors that can increase that punch my plants pack?


Well-Known Member
indoor or outdoor dont mater on potency. good pot comes from good care. plants will be bigger outdoor ( more light ) if you can give them the same care every day as indoor they will produce more bud for ya


Well-Known Member
Heres my input on the situationjust funny cause me and some growing buddies got into this topic a few days ago. As above stated its all on how a person cares for the plant.

So why wouldnt that mean that indoor would be the more superior plant. you control its enviroment. its lights its watering its feedings. you tell it when to flower and all that good stuff.

Unlike the outdoor plant where you cant control the light (unless you make the effort to move the plant somewhere every time that same hour) you can somewhat control its watering if it hasnt rained awhile and obvious with that same comes the feedings.
But the only way you can tell it when to flower is to once again do some plant moving.

Just figure I throw that out there ya know make you think.


Well-Known Member
You can't compete with the sun. But growing indoors you have the advantage of a controlled enviroment. That being temps, waterings, lighting and so forth. Either way i just think it's a matter of preference.
