Enough Light to Veg?


Well-Known Member
I'll be growing some auto-flowering plants, and I decided before I put them outside, I'll veg them for 2-3 weeks inside under some CFL's on 24/0 ( I actually let them get sunlight all day, then CFL light all night, and give them 6 hours breaking time inbetween there somewhere. I also figure since they're not growing buds yet by then... it won't stress them too much by doing this, but it would when it's flowering I would assume. When they start to flower, I'll be putting them outside for good, on a 12/12 schedule. ).

I'm familiar with growing via HPS and MH, but I'm totally new to CFL. We have this thing thats meant to replicate natural sunlight, which is about 14in X 28 in ( along with the box, it's a perfect fit! ), with 2 T5 CFL tubes inside of it. The tubes are 36W, and theres 2 full tubes( 2 of these, Energy Efficient Natural Light 36 Watt Bulb CFL36VLX - CFL36VLX ). They're pretty bright too :] I don't know how many lumens the 36W T5 tubes produce, and I'm wondering if I'll have enough light to get some auto plants growing decently into the veg stage, about 2-3 weeks with this. I have the plants raised too, about 1 inch from the top of the lights.

If needed maybe... I can cut some holes in the side of the box and shine in some more CFL's.

Thanks for all the help :) :joint:



Active Member
yeah those lights that you have should be enough for 2 plants. The part about going inside and outside during veg i didnt really understand but i would jsut keep them inside until they are ready to flower. It just puts less stress on them and they get plenty of light from your T5's. I would also check what the temp is on the plants because i think T5's tend to get a little hotter than regular CFL's. Ill be interested to see how it works out :peace:.


Well-Known Member
Well, I think outdoor light is vastly superior to any kind of indoor light, unless you have some of those new bulbs which are MH and HPS in one, with some other things. So keeping the plant out in pure blue sky sunny weather for 10 hours, I think is better than the equivalent of the CFL light. Right, lol ?

Also, I plan to "Veg" 4-6 auto flowering plants in that box for 2-3 weeks, and they will be relatively small I hope and wont take up space, so I'm assuming the 2 F5's will still be enough. ^^

Thanks for the response, I'll keep you updated. Im ordering the seeds soon, so just for now I'll be starting some bagseed up ( Those 2 plants , some more coming ), then transferring it outdoors when I feel ready :]

This summer will be my first grow, but I know very vast amount of information regarding marijauana growing, from all my trolling so I hope these work out well... I'm even fucking around a bit with this bagseed and trying some new things. In 7th grade I remember doing an experiment where we had 2 plants, one fueled by water and one fueled by Soda Pop. To make a long story short, the one with soda pop grew almost 2x as big, quicker, If I remember right. This I assume is due to the sugar in the water ( pop ) already, so the plants absorbs it and requires less work. Yesterday I fed the shorter / smaller of the seedlings some cherry pepsi, and the next day he was significantly taller than the previous bigger one, so today, I fed the other one with some mountain dew, and will be looking forward to the results tommorow :]



Active Member
haha wow thats pretty cool. Im on my first grow too. MY only problem is that my plants are growing slowly but i dont think im ready to try using soda ( id probally mess it up). Keep me updated on your plants. You could possibly start a journal?


Well-Known Member
I'm not growing this bag seed serious enough to start a journal, but if it responds well to the Soda, then I might start a grow journal with my Diesel Ryders & Soda. I got diesel ryder for a dank, small, plant, and using Soda as water might make it grow bigger than I want, so I'm not sure if I want to do that. I know you can't clone auto's, but can you trim them and do things such as LST sucessfully, or no?

Thanks, also responses to my sayings in my first post are anticipated :]


Well-Known Member
Any other opinions on if its enough? I got 6 plants in there now, 4 are going to be sprouting soon